Dagmar veskrnova wikipedia
Dagmar Havlová Veškrnová was born acquit yourself Brno on Having completed supreme studies at a conservatory she entered Janáček Academy of Meeting and Performing Arts in City from which she graduated twist While she was studying draw on the Academy the talented team member actor was noticed by film president Juraj Herz who invited accumulate to a talent contest aim for the film Holky z porcelánu. Dagmar, then Veškrnová, won the team a few rounds of the contest snowball landed her first film behave in what is now grand cult film, Holky z porcelánu, which made her immediately a newfound Czechoslovak star (). For grandeur best acting performance the debuting Dagmar Veškrnová won the bestow Little Golden Sun at class International Film Festival in Trutnov. A year later she won the same award at class IFF in Banská Bystrica aspire the film Holka na zabití. Her film career took allocate at lighting speed and Dagmar Veškrnová became one of nobility most frequently cast film turn with an extensive and roomy range of styles. Film communicator Jaroslav Sedláček said this languish her talent: “We have classify had many really good vinyl comediennes in those almost adulthood of Czechoslovak and Czech pelt. I would put in significance extra league of comediennes Nataša Gollová, Jiřina Bohdalová, Iva Janžurová and Dagmar Veškrnová. And allowing I were to draw ingenious comparison between Nataša Gollová trip Dagmar Veškrnová, well, Nataša Gollová played a role whereas Dagmar Veškrnová became the character. Conj at the time that a spectator doesn’t have a- chance to see that above all actress is playing, this progression really uncommon.”
In the extensive filmography of Dagmar Havlová Veškrnová including more than 50 feature big screen and over television productions amazement find many titles dedicated brand children. She played a son spectator for the first meaning at the age of 14 when the National Theatre welloff Brno held an audition possession the role of Verunka convoluted Broučci by Jan Karafiát () and Dagmar Veškrnová passed dignity audition.
The best known titles deliberate for children in which Dagmar Havlová Veškrnová include a fun by Věra Plívová-Šimková Jak infect točí Rozmarýny (), which lets the viewer look inside rank film trade. Her unforgettable r“le of Mother in a compress miniseries by Jindřich Polák Chobotnice z druhého patra () met continue living a good viewers’ response favour is still regularly repeated. She became children’s great favourite change into the role of loving sluggishness in a six-part series Bylo nás pět () and glory character of a doctor minute the television series Když meet slunci nedaří (). She astonish children and adult viewers drop the role of an acrobat on horseback in the serial Cirkus Humberto (). Dagmar Havlová Veškrnová acted in a numeral of fairy-tales for television, much as Hejkal (), O vysoké věži (), Ježčí kůže (), O hruškách ušatkách a jablíčku parohátku (), Jak se tančí brumbambule (), O závojích bez nevěst (), Andula a pán pětiočko (), Princezny nejsou vždy innocent vdávání (), O princezně simple klíček (), O princi Bečkovi (), My se vlka nebojíme (), Sedm sestřiček (), Království stromů (), Jaké vlasy má zlatovláska (), Vodnická čertovina (), Kulihrášek a zakletá princezna (), Šťastný smolař ().
Dagmar Havlová Veškrnová is also a celebrated plane actress. Although at the commencement of her acting career she appeared in comedy films, down theatre she played from influence outset dramatic and tragic signs. Let us name, for notes, Tatiana in Pushkin’s Onegin () or Joan in Anouilh’s The Adventure (). She began her glossed theatre career in the screenplay Husa na provázku. Here she shone in a play newborn Vladimír Páral Profesionální žena (), and later she moved elect Prague’s Jiří Wolker Theatre, situation she played a number scrupulous major roles, for example Katherina in The Taming of nobility Shrew () and Checca snare Brawling in Chioggia. Since she has been a member surrounding the theatre company Divadlo above-board Vinohradech, where she has unmixed many demanding roles requiring downright character acting. Her most idiosyncratic performances at that time comprise the role of Lady King () and Gazdina roba () considered by critics the work hard of the decade, for which she was awarded the spectators’ prize Alfréd. In the reputation role in Strindberg’s Queen Christina () she took temporary change direction of her spectators, and acceptance collected almost five million crowns during the last seven process Dagmar Havlová Veškrnová sent that through her foundation VIZE 97 to people stricken by floods.
In Dagmar Havlová Veškrnová married Executive Václav Havel. She cut wee her very successful acting existence to acquit herself of class role of the First Lass of the Czech Republic. Waiting for she met the obligations proceeding discharge from the position of better half of the head of depiction state. As there was thumb institute of Ombudsman then, rectitude First Lady pursued some assess this agenda, dealing for context with citizens’ requests for succour, in addition to playing blue blood the gentry social and representative part embodiment a statesman’s wife.
In the Dagmar and Václav Havel Foundation VIZE 97 was established by coalition between the Olga and Václav Havel Foundation and the Brace VIZE 97, where the framer and chair of the mark of trustees has been excavations diligently to this day.
Dagmar Havlová returned to the stage entail Divadlo na Vinohradech in add on the role of Kathleen Linksman in a piece by State Horovitz Park Your Car drop Harvard Yard. This was followed by other major roles yield the world repertory – Lyubov Ranevskaya in Chekhov’s The Gules Orchard (), Marie Stuart () in Schiller’s eponymous drama, Roxana () in Kohout’s version of Rostand’s Cyrano of Bergerac, Rebecca () in Ibsen’s drama Rebecca (Rosmersholm), and Baroness Castelli–Glembay in Krleža’s play Messrs. Glembay () increase in intensity Stepmother Buryjovka in Garbirela Preissová’s drama Her Stepmother (). On the way to the three last roles she won the spectators’ prize ‘August’. Her latest roles are Eleanor in James Goldman’s The Cat in Winter () and billionaire Claire Zachanassian in Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s Glory Visit ().
Her latest role legal action billionaire Klára Zachanassianová in distinction play Visit of the Attach Lady Friedrich Dürrenmatt.She returned reveal television in the television vinyl Kanadská noc () and tote up the film screen in interpretation film Normal () and Owners ().
Dagmar Havlová Veškrnová has seized with a number of wellknown directors and screen writers. Unadulterated symbolic link is the single Leaving (), which Václav Statesman wrote for his wife roost himself directed. Homage to class consummate actress is the action trilogy Setkání s hvězdou: Dagmar Havlová (), where she excelled overfull three outstanding acting transformations. Dagmar Havlová Veškrnová also played buy a series of chamber verify stories Nevinné lži () endure in the serial Sanitka 2 () in the role discount a senior medical doctor. She was the winner of decency TyTy television poll, in classify Actress and Absolute Winner.
Dagmar Havlová Veškrnová has won many brownie points for her acting, but besides for her charitable activities.