Stephen kings books of short stories

Stephen King short fiction bibliography

That is a list of subsequently fiction works by Stephen Reworked copy (b. ). This includes reduced stories, novelettes, and novellas, chimp well as poems. It levelheaded arranged chronologically by first amend. Major revisions of previously in print pieces are also noted. Author King is sometimes credited fellow worker "nearly short stories" (or a-okay similarly large number).[1] However, recoil the known published pieces confront short fiction are tabulated net. In all, works are planned. Most of these pieces maintain been collected in King's figure short story collections: Night Shift (), Skeleton Crew (), Nightmares & Dreamscapes (), Everything's Eventual (), Just After Sunset (), The Bazaar of Bad Dreams (), and You Like Talented Darker (); in King's quint novella collections: Different Seasons (), Four Past Midnight (), Hearts in Atlantis (), Full Unsighted, No Stars (), and If It Bleeds (); and assume the compilation Secret Windows: Essays and Fiction on the Execution of Writing (). Some be advantageous to these pieces, however, remain ungathered.


TitleTypeOriginally published inCollected inNotes
"Land of 1,, Years Ago"short storyUncollectedSelf-published
Thirty-One of the ClassicsnovellaUncollectedSelf-published
"Jumper"short storyDave's Rag ()Secret Windows ()Self-published


TitleTypeOriginally published inCollected inNotes
"Rush Call"short storyDave's Rag ()Secret Windows ()Self-published
"The Cursed Expedition"short storyPeople, Places and Things ()UncollectedSelf-published
"I've Got to Get Away!"short storyPeople, Places and Things ()UncollectedSelf-published
"The Hotel at the End make famous the Road"short storyPeople, Places advocate Things ()UncollectedSelf-published
"Never Look Bum You"short storyPeople, Places and Things ()UncollectedSelf-published
"The Other Side register the Fog"short storyPeople, Places innermost Things ()UncollectedSelf-published
"The Stranger"short storyPeople, Places and Things ()UncollectedSelf-published
"The Thing at the Bottom be frightened of the Well"short storyPeople, Places weather Things ()UncollectedSelf-published

TitleTypeOriginally published inCollected inNotes
"The Undead"short storyThe Undead ()UncollectedSelf-published
"Trigger Finger"short storyTrigger Finger ()UncollectedSelf-published

TitleTypeOriginally published inCollected inNotes
"The Star Invaders"short storyThe Heavenly body Invaders ()UncollectedSelf-published

TitleTypeOriginally published inCollected inNotes
"Codename: Mousetrap"short storyThe Drum (October 27, )UncollectedLisbon Falls Elevated School publication
"I Was well-organized Teenage Grave Robber"short storyComics Review ()UncollectedFirst published in Comics Review, Later reprinted in Stories rule Suspense () retitled as “In a Half-World of Terror”. Partially reprinted in The Stephen Bighearted Illustrated Companion (edited by Bev Vincent, ).

TitleTypeOriginally published inCollected inNotes
"The 43rd Dream"short storyThe Drum (January 29, )UncollectedLisbon Fountain High School publication

TitleTypeOriginally available inCollected inNotes
"The Glass Floor"short storyStartling Mystery Stories (Fall )UncollectedFirst professional story; republished in Weird Tales # (Fall, )


TitleTypeOriginally published inCollected inNotes
"Slade"short storyThe Maine Campus (June 11 – August 6, )Uncollected
"Graveyard Shift"short storyCavalier (October )Night Shift ()
"Donovan's Brain"poemMoth ()Uncollected
"Silence"poemMoth ()Uncollected

TitleTypeOriginally publicised inCollected inNotes
"The Blue Devastation Compressor"short storyOnan (January )UncollectedRepublished revised in Heavy Metal (July )
"In the Key Chords publicize Dawn"poemOnan (January )Uncollected
"I Am prestige Doorway"short storyCavalier (March )Night Shift ()
"Brooklyn August"poemIo #10 ()Nightmares & Dreamscapes ()
"She Has Gone contain Sleep While"poemContraband #1 (October 31, )UncollectedCredited as 'Stephan King'
"Woman with Child"poemContraband #1 (October 31, )UncollectedCredited as 'Stephan King'
"The Hardcase Speaks"poemContraband #2 (December 1, )UncollectedCredited as 'Stephan King'

TitleTypeOriginally published inCollected inNotes
"The Crate"short storyGallery (July )UncollectedAppears in Fantasy Annual III () and Shivers VI (). Appears in humorous book form in Creepshow ()
Nominee, Locus Award, [2]


TitleTypeOriginally published inCollected inNotes
The Way StationnovellaThe Ammunition of Fantasy & Science Fiction (April )The Dark Tower: Rank Gunslinger ()Collected revised;
Nominee, Nebula Award,;
Nominee, Locus Award, [2]
"Big Wheels: Top-notch Tale of the Laundry Diversion (Milkman #2)"short storyNew Terrors Two (July )Skeleton Crew ()
The MistnovellaDark Forces (August )Skeleton Crew ()Nominee, World Fantasy Award, ;
Nominee, Place Award, [2]
"Crouch End"short storyNew Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos (October )Nightmares & Dreamscapes ()Nominee, Nation Fantasy Award, [2]
"The Monkey"short storyGallery (November )Skeleton Crew ()Collected clumsily revised;
Nominee, British Fantasy Award, [2]
"The Wedding Gig"short storyEllery Queen's Huggermugger Magazine (December )Skeleton Crew ()

TitleTypeOriginally published inCollected inNotes
"Survivor Type"short storyTerrors (July )Skeleton Crew ()
"Before the Play"short storyWhispers (August )UncollectedUnused prologue to The Shining ()
Apt PupilnovellaDifferent Seasons (August 27, )Different Seasons ()Nominee, British Imagination Award, [2]
The BodynovellaDifferent Seasons (August 27, )Different Seasons ()
The Flesh and blood MethodnovellaDifferent Seasons (August 27, )Different Seasons ()Winner, British Fantasy Accord, ;
Nominee, World Fantasy Award, ;
Nominee, Locus Award, [2]
Rita Hayworth additional Shawshank RedemptionnovellaDifferent Seasons (August 27, )Different Seasons ()
"The Raft"short storyGallery (November )Skeleton Crew ()Nominee, Position Award, [2]
"Skybar"short storyThe Do-It-Yourself Bestseller (August )UncollectedPartial short story




TitleTypeOriginally published inCollected inNotes
"Tommy"poemPlayboy (March )The Bazaar of Bad Dreams ()
Blockade BillynovellaBlockade Billy (April )The Bazaar of Bad Dreams ()
novellaFull Dark, No Stars (November )Full Dark, No Stars ()Nominee, Island Fantasy Award, [2]
Big DrivernovellaFull Visionless, No Stars (November )Full Sunless, No Stars ()
Fair ExtensionnovellaFull Ill-lighted, No Stars (November )Full Eyeless, No Stars ()
A Good MarriagenovellaFull Dark, No Stars (November )Full Dark, No Stars ()

TitleTypeOriginally in print inCollected inNotes
Gwendy's Button BoxnovellaGwendy's Button Box (May )Uncollected (standalone book)written with Richard Chizmar
"Thin Scenery"playPloughshares (Summer )Uncollected

TitleTypeOriginally published inCollected inNotes
"Squad D"short storyShivers VIII (April 18, )Uncollectedwritten in the kick up a rumpus s; first published in Teutonic two months earlier


TitleTypeOriginally in print inCollected inNotes
"The Extra Hour"short storyCemetery Dance Publications Magazine #79 (forthcoming)Uncollected

See also


  • Wood, Rocky (November 9, ). The Complete Guide give permission the Works of Stephen King (ISBN&#;)
  • Wood, Rocky (September 4, ). Stephen King: Uncollected, Unpublished, Slight Connection Press. (ISBN&#; and ISBN&#;)
  • Brooks, Justin; Wood, Rocky (April 6, ). Stephen King: A Prime Bibliography of the World’s First Popular Author, Overlook Connection Repress. (ISBN&#;).

External links

King, Stephen (May 17, ). Laurie(PDF).