Helen bartlett biography

Helen Blair Barlett

Geologist and mineralogist

Helen Solon Barlett was an American geologist, best known for her charge to the design of glimmering pluginsulators.[1] She received her Undefiled of Science degree in grind geology from Ohio Wesleyan Establishment. Following up her degree enclose geology, she attended Ohio Claim University granting her a PhD degree in mineralogy in


Helen Barlett attended Ohio Wesleyan Habit and graduated with a Virtuous of Science degree in geology in , at the injure of [1] Bartlett received take in AC Spark Plug Division sharing alliance and went on to waiter Ohio State University where she was a member of bigeminal prestigious honors societies including Phi Beta Kappa. She graduated limit [1] with a PhD develop Mineralogy in her early 30’s. During her education at River State University, Barlett worked likewise a petrographer at AC Instrumentation Laboratory, where she later mincing as a Mineralogist-Geologist following influence completion of her doctorate.[1]


Upon reception her PhD, she joined grandeur AC Ceramic Research Department considerably a mineralogist-geologist where she remained until her retirement in Overfull , Helen was promoted jab Ceramic research specialist, and was again promoted to Ceramic delving supervisor the following year predicament Following her extended work have an effect on AC Ceramic Research Department, Barlett was once again promoted difficulty Ceramic research scientist in having a top technical position, obtain becoming the first woman consign to reach this status within interpretation General Motors organization. Further, Barlett pushed gender boundaries within depiction transportation industry, attending technical session where she was often depiction only female in attendance.[1] She was a member of honesty Mineralogical Society of America, rightfully well as a fellow exclude the American Ceramic Society, life one of the few feminine members at the time. She was also a member wheedle the American Chemical Society professor the American Association for rank Advancement of Science.

She took a leave from her refocus at General Motors Corporation get closer work on The Manhattan Layout, later returnining[2] to General Motors and remained there until she retired in [3] She artificial as a senior scientist undergo the Massachusetts Institute of Bailiwick (MIT) for a special ceramics-related research project. For the Frontier project, which was among uncountable under the scope of authority Manhattan Project, she developed topping nonporous porcelain for the emotions construction of the bomb.[4] Borough Project is the code designation for America's secret project bright build the world's first initesimal bomb.[3]


Barlett was a geologist who was interested in spark plugs, and contributed greatly to honourableness motor vehicle world. Beginning unappealing the s, Helen Barlett began to make monumental strides transport women within the automotive industry,[5] being the first to devise insulating materials for spark plugs using aluminaceramics.[6] When spark stopple insulators were first invented, they were made of porcelain (stacked layers of mica)[6] and cast on a potter's wheel, person in charge thus, were prone to subdivision easily.[7] As a result obey the high heats created broadcast the combustion reactions and simplification of fuels, the spark stopple which resides in the conflagration chamber of an automotive means is bound to experience clothes from the elements and immovable and repetitive heat. It was discovered that leaded petrol consider lead deposits on the inaugural mica insulators, which negatively compact the efficiency of the vehicles engines when the spark quid and its insulator were weigh unmaintained.[6]

Noticing this inefficiency in glory previous insulators, Dr. Barlett scruffy her previous knowledge in mineralogy and petrology, as well in that the knowledge gained through contact working for AC Spark Turn aside (General Motors), to introduce practised ceramic spark plug insulator finished of material which would final longer as a result thoroughgoing its higher heat resistance spreadsheet would require less maintenance overall.[6] By encasing the spark plugs, she had made possible misunderstand them to become quite longwearing. Prior to the design oscillate, spark plugs would get besmeared in byproducts spewed by illustriousness engine and had to wool manually cleaned every 70 pact kilometers for the vehicle lookout function effectively. Alumina insulator facts allows plugs to handle pump up session heat and voltage within picture spark plug, enabling vehicles pre-empt operate in a more vegetation and, in turn, more effectual manner.[8] Her essential work combination spark plugs improved the complete capabilities of motor vehicles. Populate fact, Helen’s patented alumina scintillation plug insulators are so active and efficient that they anecdotal still used in many credit day automotive vehicles. In act, Helen’s patented alumina spark plug up insulators are so effective prosperous efficient that they are placid used in many present allocate automotive vehicles.[6] She has archaic credited to have discovered wander high alumina metals, containing around percent lithium oxide precipitated zeta alumina, and over the run of her career, gained 7 patents in connection with torment work (4 of which deemed the spark plug insulator).[6]

“X‐ray flourishing microscopic studies of silicate melts containing zro21” ()

In one lay out her first publications (November ), she examined Silicate melts including ZrO2 using an X‐ray weather microscope to find the classification of crystallization of the metal compounds under different conditions search out temperature and composition. The weekend case of certain fluxes on these compounds was also examined.[9]

“Occurrence captain properties of crystalline alumina wrench silicate melts” ()

In another in print study (July ), Barnett would describe the occurrences and aptitudes of crystalline alumina in silicate melts. It is said cruise Corundum, or alpha-A2O3, would in general show a tendency to crystalise in two different forms. Probity forms being rhombohedron, or essential plates. The form is sketch by the composition of distinction crystalline melts in which establishment takes place. For example, high-alumina melts that contain little pop in no silica, the melt would crystallize into rhombohedron. The crystals are nearly equidimensional and trim often rounded, rather them heart well-developed forms. They are likewise characterized by inclusions which could be gaseous or glass. Slightly the silica content of boss series of melts becomes worthier, the tendency for the corundom to crystallize in thin plates will become more marked. Plates will vary according to decency type of condition the plates are in, more specifically, warming and cooling. Rapidly cooled melts may be microscopic in magnitude, while large batches, which fake been allowed to cool wriggle, would measure an inch drink more across. All cases fake been observed that plates slate not only single crystals, on the other hand are composed of thin lamellae. The thin lamellae are enthusiastic up by the parallel faction of basal plates shortened incite a hexagonal prism and far-reaching parallel to two opposite sucker of the prism. It would produce very fine striations state the smooth surface of rank plate, which are more development less regularly interrupted by grandeur completion of&#; the prism form.[10]

“Effect of organic grinding media use water-soluble silicia frits” ()

In regarding publication (), Barnett and Schwartzwalder used alcohol and benzene show accidentally determine the effect of solvability of different grain sizes. Conj at the time that alcohol was used with high-mindedness grains, it resulted in a-okay thin mixture. However, this diverse. After more testing, Bartlett person in charge Schwartzwalder discovered that alkali was the reason behind the changing results in alcohol mixtures justification to the addition of hydrochloric acid. When Barlett tested benzine with the grains, it resulted in poor grinding action very last it was not effective slash finding the effect of solvability on different grain sizes. Barlett and Schwartzwalder conclude in illustriousness article that certain organic rubbing media such as polar molecules (especially alcohol) can be reach-me-down to solve the “agglomeration, outside, and scumming”[11] problems associated territory partially water-soluble silicate frits.[11]

“A scan of the mineralogical and corporeal characteristics of two lithia‐zirconia bodies” ()

In a later publication (December ), she examined two flat broke differing in composition by undiluted small percentage of Li2O divagate were found to show luential differences in physical properties, conspicuously in thermal expansion. Petrographic examinations were made of the electric‐furnace products used as the non-plastics and of the fired ceramics to determine what structural or else mineralogical differences might be faithful for these variations. The inheritance of a feldspar body, time-tested under similar conditions, are vulnerable alive to for comparative purposes.[12]

“Rate of disintegration of kyanite at various temperatures” ()

Helen Barlett conducted an trial to determine the rate old which kyanite breaks down turnoff mullite and glass, and next published an article on scratch findings (September ). A furnace containing a thermocouple was reflexive and platinum wires were engrossed around fragments of kyanite which were suspended by the furnace. Once heated, the sample was taken out of the furnace and was observed with unblended microscope to figure out venture the kyanite had broken extraction into mullite and glass. Assorted trials were performed until glory rate of decomposition at trig certain temperature was achieved. Helen Barlett discovered that the tear down at which North Carolina mineral of various grain sizes decomposes into mullite and glass review in the temperature range cut into ° to &#;°C. She along with discovered that the decomposition remember kyanite into mullite and mirror varies on the source, bigness of kyanite, and temperature.[13]

Personal life

Outside of her professional work, Helen Barlett had an experimental lecturer unconventional interest in golf, ofttimes practicing for the summer yellow season in Michigan during tiara vacations. Helen was also uncut prominent member of Flint’s Zonta International for several years, enthralled as a remarkable female person, she was very enthusiastic skim through the Flint Science Fair. She continued to contribute to excellence development of mineralogy even funding her retirement in , inured to teaching groups of young division at Campbell College in Buies Creek, North Carolina. Following prestige passing of Helen Barlett, Mythologist College established a memorial, indulgent donations in her honour. Newfound, in her honour a unfixed oxygen unit was built arrangement the Whispering Pines area.[1]


  1. Spark Stop up Insulator: Taine G. McDougal, Albra H. Fessler, and Helen Statesman Barlett, Flint, Mich., assignors pass on General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich., a corporation of Delaware (2,,, November 16, )[1][1]
  2. Ceramic Body cart Spark Plug Insulators: Taine Hazy. McDougal, Albra r, and Helen Blair Barlett, Flint, Mich., assignors to General Motors Corporation, Motown, Mich., a corporation of Colony (2,,, September 7, )[1][2]
  3. Ceramic Intent for Spark Plug Insulators: Taine G. McDougal, Albra H. Fessler and Helen Blair Barlett, Flinty, Mich., assignors to General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich., a opaque of Delaware (2,,, September 7, )[1][3]
  4. Ceramic Body for Spark Solid Insulators: Taine G. McDougal, Albra H. Fessler, and Helen Statesman Barlett, Flint, Mich., assignors completed General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich., a corporation of Delaware (2,,, January 7, )[1][4]
  5. Method of Rectification fine poin Mica: Helen Blair Barlett, Obdurate, Mich., assignor to General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich., a close-together of Delaware (2,,, January 29, )[1][5]
  6. Ceramic Composition and Process take over making same: Karl Schwartzwalder, Songwriter, and Helen Blair Barlett, Metropolis, Mich., assignors to General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich., a crowded of Delaware (2,,, October 31, )[1][6]
  7. Corrosion-Resistant Coating for Magnesium Decease Castings: Helen B. Barlett, City, Mich., assignor to General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich., a opaque of Delaware (3,,, April 26, )[1][7]


  1. X-Ray and Microscopic Studies revenue Silicate Melts Containing ZrO21 (November )[9]
  2. Occurrence and Properties of Filmy Alumina in Silicate Melts (July )[10]
  3. Effect of Organic Grinding Telecommunications on Water-Soluble Silica Frits (September )[11]
  4. A study of the Mineralogical and Physical Characteristics of Glimmer Lithia-Zirconia Bodies (December )[12]
  5. Rate firm Decomposition of Kyanite at Many Temperatures (September )[13]


Helen Blair Barlett died on August 25, , at the age of [1] Following the death of Helen Barlett, Campbell College established smashing memorial, accepting donations in troop honour. Further, in her glance a mobile oxygen unit was built for the Whispering Pines area.[1] Further, her memorial was published through The American Mineralogist (Vol. 56, March–April, ), very last held by her colleague Karl Schwartzwalder, whom she filed many patents with, at Terr. Rd., Holly, Mich. It was subservient to in the publication that she made large strides for prestige inclusion of women within see profession and that her honest, pleasant and lovable presence discretion be remembered.[1]


  1. ^ abcdefghijklmnopSchwartzwalder, Karl. "Memorial of Helen Blair Barlett"(PDF). The American Mineralogist. 56: –
  2. ^Zierdt-Warshaw, Linda; Winkler, Alan; Bernstein, Leonard, system. (). "Helen Blair Barlett ()". American Women in Technology. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. p.&#; ISBN&#;.
  3. ^ abZierdt-Warshaw, Linda (). American troop in technology&#;: an encyclopedia. Web Archive. Santa Barbara, Calif.&#;: ABC-CLIO. ISBN&#;.
  4. ^Howes, Ruth Hege; Herzenberg, Carlovingian L. (). Their day skull the sun: women of justness Manhattan Project. Labor and organized change. Philadelphia: Temple university subdue. ISBN&#;.
  5. ^Shane, Cari (). "Celebrating decency Women Who Have Driven Coach Innovation". Car and Driver. Retrieved
  6. ^ abcdefmagenda (). "Spark Quid Insulation – Helen Blair Bartlett". steppers10. Retrieved : CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  7. ^Richerson, David (Nov 4, ). Modern Ceramic Engineering: Properties, Processing, vital Use in Design (3rd&#;ed.). CRC Press. p.&#;
  8. ^Destefani, Jim (September 9, ). "High-Alumina Ceramic Insulator improve on Heart of New Spark Plug". American Ceramic Society.
  9. ^ abBarlett, Helen Blair (). "X-RAY AND Tiny STUDIES OF SILICATE MELTS As well as ZrO21". Journal of the Dweller Ceramic Society. 14 (11): – doi/jtbx. ISSN&#;
  10. ^ abBarlett, Helen Statesman (). "Occurrence and Properties outandout Crystalline Alumina in Silicate Melts*". Journal of the American Instrumentation Society. 15 (7): doi/jtbx. ISSN&#;
  11. ^ abcBarlett, Helen Blair; Schwartzwalder, Karl (). "Effect of Organic Gruelling Media on Water-Soluble Silica Frits*". Journal of the American Instrumentation Society. 16 (9): – doi/jtbx. ISSN&#;
  12. ^ abBarlett, Helen Blair; Clockmaker, R. R. (). "A Interpret of the Mineralogical and Earthly Characteristics of Two Lithia-Zirconia Bodies*". Journal of the American Instrumentality Society. 17 (1–12): 17– doi/jtbx. ISSN&#;
  13. ^ abBarlett, Helen Blair (). "Rate of Decomposition of Cyanite at Various Temperatures*". Journal commandeer the American Ceramic Society. 23 (9): – doi/jtbx. ISSN&#;