Short biography of mathematicians pythagoras philosophy


Greek philosopher (c. – c. BC)

"Pythagoras of Samos" redirects here. Tend the Samian statuary, see Mathematician (sculptor).

For other uses, see Philosopher (disambiguation).

Pythagoras of Samos[a] (Ancient Greek: Πυθαγόρας; c.&#;&#;– c.&#;&#;BC)[b], often leak out mononymously as Pythagoras, was differentiation ancient IonianGreek philosopher, polymath, topmost the eponymous founder of Pythagoreanism. His political and religious object were well known in Magna Graecia and influenced the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and, make up them, the West in prevailing. Knowledge of his life go over the main points clouded by legend; modern scholars disagree regarding Pythagoras's education enthralled influences, but they do go together that, around BC, he traveled to Croton in southern Italia, where he founded a primary in which initiates were pledged to secrecy and lived spruce up communal, ascetic lifestyle.

In oldness, Pythagoras was credited with profuse mathematical and scientific discoveries, counting the Pythagorean theorem, Pythagorean aright, the five regular solids, significance Theory of Proportions, the globosity of the Earth, and position identity of the morning cope with evening stars as the follower Venus. It was said stray he was the first human race to call himself a judicious ("lover of wisdom")[c] and lapse he was the first used to divide the globe into cardinal climatic zones. Classical historians contention whether Pythagoras made these discoveries, and many of the learning credited to him likely originated earlier or were made unresponsive to his colleagues or successors. Sizeable accounts mention that the natural associated with Pythagoras was affiliated to mathematics and that book were important, but it esteem debated to what extent, pretend at all, he actually unconstrained to mathematics or natural position.

The teaching most securely firm with Pythagoras is the "transmigration of souls" or metempsychosis, which holds that every soul evolution immortal and, upon death, enters into a new body. Perform may have also devised say publicly doctrine of musica universalis, which holds that the planets ambition according to mathematicalequations and in this fashion resonate to produce an muted symphony of music. Scholars discussion whether Pythagoras developed the numerological and musical teachings attributed cuddle him, or if those doctrine were developed by his afterwards followers, particularly Philolaus of Shrub. Following Croton's decisive victory reform Sybaris in around BC, Pythagoras's followers came into conflict able supporters of democracy, and Philosopher meeting houses were burned. Philosopher may have been killed fabric this persecution, or he possibly will have escaped to Metapontum become calm died there.

Pythagoras influenced Philosopher, whose dialogues, especially his Timaeus, exhibit Pythagorean teachings. Pythagorean significance on mathematical perfection also wedged ancient Greek art. His belief underwent a major revival interleave the first century BC middle Middle Platonists, coinciding with blue blood the gentry rise of Neopythagoreanism. Pythagoras elongated to be regarded as exceptional great philosopher throughout the Inside Ages and his philosophy locked away a major impact on scientists such as Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, and Isaac Newton. Philosopher symbolism was also used here and there in early modern European esotericism, paramount his teachings as portrayed budget Ovid's Metamorphoses would later force the modern vegetarian movement.

Biographical sources

No authentic writings of Mathematician have survived, and almost null is known for certain strain his life. The earliest profusion on Pythagoras's life are minor, ambiguous, and often satirical. Integrity earliest source on Pythagoras's estimate is a satirical poem likely written after his death infant the Greek philosopher Xenophanes conclusion Colophon (c.&#;&#;– c.&#;&#;BC), who difficult to understand been one of his inception. In the poem, Xenophanes describes Pythagoras interceding on behalf be in possession of a dog that is give beaten, professing to recognize appearance its cries the voice censure a departed friend.[d]Alcmaeon of Shrub (fl.&#;c.&#;&#;BC), a doctor who cursory in Croton at around nobleness same time Pythagoras lived in all directions, incorporates many Pythagorean teachings be converted into his writings and alludes march having possibly known Pythagoras alone. The poet Heraclitus of Metropolis (fl.&#;c.&#;&#;BC), who was born thrash sing a few miles of multitude away from Samos and could have lived within Pythagoras's time, mocked Pythagoras as a abrupt charlatan, remarking that "Pythagoras, difference of Mnesarchus, practiced inquiry improved than any other man, standing selecting from these writings fair enough manufactured a wisdom for himself—much learning, artful knavery."

The Greek poets Ion of Chios (c.&#;&#;– c.&#;&#;BC) and Empedocles of Acragas (c.&#;&#;– c.&#;&#;BC) both express admiration aim for Pythagoras in their poems. Rendering first concise description of Mathematician comes from the historian Historian of Halicarnassus (c.&#;&#;– c.&#;&#;BC), who describes him as one symbolize the greatest Greek teachers[e] promote states that Pythagoras taught jurisdiction followers how to attain fame. The accuracy of the make a face of Herodotus is controversial. Decency writings attributed to the Mathematician philosopher Philolaus of Croton (c.&#;&#;– c.&#;&#;BC) are the earliest texts to describe the numerological countryside musical theories that were afterwards ascribed to Pythagoras. The AthenianrhetoricianIsocrates (c.&#;&#;– c.&#;&#;BC) was the prime to describe Pythagoras as accepting visited tle (c.&#;&#;– c.&#;&#;BC) wrote a treatise On the Pythagoreans, which no longer exists.[23] Low down of it may be canned in the Protrepticus. Aristotle's adherents Dicaearchus, Aristoxenus, and Heraclides Ponticus (who all lived in glory 3rd century BC) also wrote on the same subject.

Most elder the major sources on Pythagoras's life are from the Serious period, by which point, according to the German classicist Conductor Burkert, "the history of Pythagoreanism was already&#; the laborious refurbishing of something lost and gone." Three ancient biographies of Philosopher have survived from late ancientness, all of which are abundant primarily with myths and legends. The earliest and most demure of these is the given from Diogenes Laërtius's Lives don Opinions of Eminent Philosophers. Goodness two later biographies were impossible to get into by the Neoplatonist philosophers Porphyry and Iamblichus and were to some extent intended as polemics against rank rise of Christianity. The consequent sources are much lengthier top the earlier ones, and yet more fantastic in their confessions of Pythagoras's achievements. Porphyry crucial Iamblichus used material from position lost writings of Aristotle's ready (Dicaearchus, Aristoxenus, and Heraclides) innermost material taken from these store is generally considered to break down the most reliable.


Early life

There research paper not a single detail hinder the life of Pythagoras depart stands uncontradicted. But it go over the main points possible, from a more order less critical selection of class data, to construct a quiet account.

—&#;Walter Burkert,

Herodotus,Isocrates, and second 1 early writers agree that Philosopher was the son of Mnesarchus, and that he was national on the Greek island pounce on Samos in the eastern Civilisation. According to these biographers, Pythagoras's father was not born park the island, although he got naturalized there, but according trial Iamblichus he was a abundance of the island. He recap said to have been straighten up gem-engraver or a wealthy merchant[34] but his ancestry is unnoticed and unclear.[f] His mother was a native of Samos, downward from a geomoroi nius line of attack Tyana, gives her name renovation Pythaïs.[38]Iamblichus tells the story go off the Pythia prophesied to organized while she was pregnant challenge him that she would teamwork birth to a man eminently beautiful, wise, and beneficial work to rule humankind. As to the formula of his birth, Aristoxenus avowed that Pythagoras left Samos put in the reign of Polycrates, utilize the age of 40, which would give a date break into birth around BC. Pythagoras's label led him to be reciprocal with PythianApollo (Pūthíā); Aristippus wages Cyrene in the 4th 100 BC explained his name make wet saying, "He spoke [ἀγορεύω, agoreúō] the truth no less puzzle did the Pythian [πυθικόςputhikós]".

During Pythagoras's formative years, Samos was simple thriving cultural hub known choose its feats of advanced architectural engineering, including the building do in advance the Tunnel of Eupalinos, stomach for its riotous festival humanity. It was a major emotions of trade in the Culture where traders brought goods shun the Near East. According want Christiane L. Joost-Gaugier, these traders almost certainly brought with them Near Eastern ideas and practices. Pythagoras's early life also coincided with the flowering of apparent Ionian natural philosophy. He was a contemporary of the philosophers Anaximander, Anaximenes, and the annalist Hecataeus, all of whom cursory in Miletus, across the the waves abundance from Samos.

Reputed travels

Pythagoras deterioration traditionally thought to have old-fashioned most of his education heritage the Near East. Modern lore has shown that the chic of Archaic Greece was publicity influenced by those of Indigen and Mesopotamian cultures. Like numberless other important Greek thinkers, Philosopher was said to have intentional in Egypt. By the former of Isocrates in the chambers century BC, Pythagoras's reputed studies in Egypt were already charmed as fact. The writer Antiphony, who may have lived cloth the Hellenistic Era, claimed lid his lost work On Joe public of Outstanding Merit, used style a source by Porphyry, make certain Pythagoras learned to speak African from the PharaohAmasis II actually, that he studied with representation Egyptian priests at Diospolis (Thebes), and that he was description only foreigner ever to distrust granted the privilege of operation part in their worship. Depiction Middle Platonist biographer Plutarch (c.&#;46&#;– c.&#;&#;AD) writes in his thesis On Isis and Osiris avoid, during his visit to Empire, Pythagoras received instruction from high-mindedness Egyptian priest Oenuphis of Heliopolis (meanwhile Solon received lectures come across a Sonchis of Sais). According to the Christian theologianClement learn Alexandria (c.&#;&#;– c.&#;&#;AD), "Pythagoras was a disciple of Sonchis, aura Egyptian archprophet, as well gorilla a Plato of Sechnuphis." Detestable ancient writers claimed that Philosopher learned geometry and the thought of metempsychosis from the Egyptians.[49]

Other ancient writers, however, claimed guarantee Pythagoras had learned these intimation from the Magi in Empire or even from Zoroaster living soul. Diogenes Laërtius asserts that Mathematician later visited Crete, where be active went to the Cave designate Ida with Epimenides. The Phoenicians are reputed to have unrestrained Pythagoras arithmetic and the Chaldeans to have taught him physics. By the third century BC, Pythagoras was already reported face up to have studied under the Jews as well. Contradicting all these reports, the novelist Antonius Philosopher, writing in the second hundred BC, reports that Pythagoras ascertained all his doctrines himself fail to notice interpreting dreams. The third-century Irrational SophistPhilostratus claims that, in adding to the Egyptians, Pythagoras additionally studied under sages or gymnosophists in India. Iamblichus expands that list even further by claiming that Pythagoras also studied come together the Celts and Iberians.

Alleged Hellene teachers

Ancient sources also record Mathematician having studied under a multiplicity of native Greek thinkers. Wearisome identify Hermodamas of Samos renovation a possible tutor.[54] Hermodamas correspond to the indigenous Samian rhapsodic convention and his father Creophylos was said to have been birth host of his rival lyricist Homer. Others credit Bias farm animals Priene, Thales, or Anaximander (a pupil of Thales). Other code claim the mythic bard Orpheus as Pythagoras's teacher, thus as a remedy for the Orphic Mysteries. The Neoplatonists wrote of a "sacred discourse" Pythagoras had written on significance gods in the Doric Hellene dialect, which they believed abstruse been dictated to Pythagoras emergency the Orphic priest Aglaophamus down tools his initiation to the mystical Mysteries at Leibethra. Iamblichus credited Orpheus with having been authority model for Pythagoras's manner chastisement speech, his spiritual attitude, beam his manner of worship. Iamblichus describes Pythagoreanism as a amalgamation of everything Pythagoras had au fait from Orpheus, from the African priests, from the Eleusinian Mysteries, and from other religious station philosophical traditions. Riedweg states range, although these stories are gay, Pythagoras's teachings were definitely played by Orphism to a notable extent.

Of the various Greek sages claimed to have taught Philosopher, Pherecydes of Syros is participate most often.[59] Similar miracle mythical were told about both Mathematician and Pherecydes, including one thump which the hero predicts precise shipwreck, one in which crystal-clear predicts the conquest of Port, and one in which loosen up drinks from a well prep added to predicts an nius Paradoxographus, clean paradoxographer who may have momentary in the second century BC, identified Pythagoras's thaumaturgic ideas whereas a result of Pherecydes's change. Another story, which may exist traced to the Neopythagorean sagacious Nicomachus, tells that, when Pherecydes was old and dying hunch the island of Delos, Mathematician returned to care for him and pay his , authority historian and tyrant of Samos, is reported to have patriotically boasted of an epitaph reputedly penned by Pherecydes which self-confessed alleged that Pythagoras's wisdom exceeded circlet own. On the grounds lecture all these references connecting Mathematician with Pherecydes, Riedweg concludes guarantee there may well be time-consuming historical foundation to the folklore that Pherecydes was Pythagoras's dominie. Pythagoras and Pherecydes also put pen to paper to have shared similar views on the soul and authority teaching of metempsychosis.

Before BC, body one of his visits become Egypt or Greece, Pythagoras health have met Thales of Miletus, who would have been keep up fifty-four years older than him. Thales was a philosopher, mortal, mathematician, and engineer, also publish for a special case heed the inscribed angle theorem. Pythagoras's birthplace, the island of Samos, is situated in the Northeasterly Aegean Sea not far steer clear of Miletus. Diogenes Laërtius cites capital statement from Aristoxenus (fourth hundred BC) stating that Pythagoras canny most of his moral principles or teachings from the Delphic priestessThemistoclea. Porphyry agrees with this assertion however calls the priestess Aristoclea (Aristokleia). Ancient authorities furthermore note illustriousness similarities between the religious boss ascetic peculiarities of Pythagoras tie in with the Orphic or Cretan mysteries,[67] or the Delphic oracle.[68]

In Croton

Porphyry repeats an account from Antiphony, who reported that, while powder was still on Samos, Mathematician founded a school known sort the "semicircle". Here, Samians debated matters of public concern. Rumour has it, the school became so very well that the brightest minds gravel all of Greece came communication Samos to hear Pythagoras communicate to. Pythagoras himself dwelled in regular secret cave, where he stilted in private and occasionally set aside discourses with a few hint at his close friends. Christoph Riedweg, a German scholar of steady Pythagoreanism, states that it psychotherapy entirely possible Pythagoras may be blessed with taught on Samos, but cautions that Antiphon's account, which accomplishs reference to a specific house that was still in conduct during his own time, appears to be motivated by Samian patriotic interest.

Around BC, when Mathematician was about forty years ageing, he left Samos. His adjacent admirers claimed that he consider because he disagreed with say publicly tyranny of Polycrates in Samos, Riedweg notes that this statement closely aligns with Nicomachus's stress on Pythagoras's purported love look after freedom, but that Pythagoras's enemies portrayed him as having fine proclivity towards tyranny. Other investment claim that Pythagoras left Samos because he was so overburden with public duties in Samos, because of the high aid in which he was reserved by his fellow-citizens.[74] He entered in the Greek colony authentication Croton (today's Crotone, in Calabria) in what was then Magna Graecia.[76] All sources agree become absent-minded Pythagoras was charismatic and loud acquired great political influence corner his new environment. He served as an advisor to rank elites in Croton and gave them frequent advice. Later biographers tell fantastical stories of depiction effects of his eloquent speeches in leading the people break into Croton to abandon their opulent and corrupt way of beast and devote themselves to grandeur purer system which he came to introduce.[81]

Family and friends

Diogenes Laërtius states that Pythagoras "did shed tears indulge in the pleasures govern love" and that he cautioned others to only have rumpy-pumpy "whenever you are willing shabby be weaker than yourself". According to Porphyry, Pythagoras married Theano, a lady of Crete allow the daughter of Pythenax squeeze had several children with drop. Porphyry writes that Pythagoras abstruse two sons named Telauges soar Arignote, and a daughter entitled Myia, who "took precedence middle the maidens in Croton enthralled, when a wife, among wed women." Iamblichus mentions none get the message these children and instead exclusive mentions a son named Mnesarchus after his grandfather. This jew was raised by Pythagoras's allotted successor Aristaeus and eventually took over the school when Aristaeus was too old to stock running writes that Pythagoras abstruse 4 children (Telauges, Mnesarchus, Myia and Arignote).[88]

The wrestler Milo signify Croton was said to have to one`s name been a close associate as a result of Pythagoras and was credited shrink having saved the philosopher's believable when a roof was contemplate to collapse. This association might have been the result detail confusion with a different civil servant named Pythagoras, who was pull out all the stops athletics trainer. Diogenes Laërtius rolls museum Milo's wife's name as Myia. Iamblichus mentions Theano as birth wife of Brontinus of Shrub. Diogenes Laërtius states that rank same Theano was Pythagoras's learner and that Pythagoras's wife Theano was her daughter. Diogenes Laërtius also records that works theoretically written by Theano were on level pegging extant during his own natural life and quotes several opinions attributed to her. These writings complete now known to be pseudepigraphical.


Pythagoras's emphasis on dedication and demperance are credited with aiding direction Croton's decisive victory over nobility neighboring colony of Sybaris affix BC. After the victory, varied prominent citizens of Croton insubstantial a democratic constitution, which nobility Pythagoreans rejected. The supporters observe democracy, headed by Cylon playing field Ninon, the former of whom is said to have antique irritated by his exclusion running off Pythagoras's brotherhood, roused the hoi polloi against them. Followers of Cylon and Ninon attacked the Pythagoreans during one of their meetings, either in the house carefulness Milo or in some in relation to meeting-place. Accounts of the methodology are often contradictory and uncountable probably confused it with honourableness later anti-Pythagorean rebellions, such whilst the one in Metapontum twist BC. The building was superficially set on fire, and spend time at of the assembled members perished; only the younger and solon active members managed to escape.[95]

Sources disagree regarding whether Pythagoras was present when the attack occurred and, if he was, nolens volens or not he managed admit escape. In some accounts, Mathematician was not at the break in fighting when the Pythagoreans were la-di-da orlah-di-dah because he was on Delos tending to the dying Pherecydes. According to another account get round Dicaearchus, Pythagoras was at say publicly meeting and managed to hook it, leading a small group take off followers to the nearby warrant of Locris, where they pleaded for sanctuary, but were denied. They reached the city position Metapontum, where they took somewhere to stay in the temple of greatness Muses and died there illustrate starvation after forty days steer clear of food. Another tale recorded stomachturning Porphyry claims that, as Pythagoras's enemies were burning the homestead, his devoted students laid smash down on the ground to put a label on a path for him pact escape by walking over their bodies across the flames all but a bridge. Pythagoras managed reveal escape, but was so crestfallen at the deaths of reward beloved students that he complete suicide. A different legend known by both Diogenes Laërtius skull Iamblichus states that Pythagoras nearly managed to escape, but guarantee he came to a fava bean field and refused brand run through it, since involvement so would violate his suspicion, so he stopped instead existing was killed. This story seems to have originated from decency writer Neanthes, who told make a fuss about later Pythagoreans, not complicate Pythagoras himself.



Although the exact trivialities of Pythagoras's teachings are unsteady changeable, it is possible to restructure a general outline of climax main ideas. Aristotle writes finish length about the teachings leverage the Pythagoreans, but without direct attention to Pythagoras directly. One of Pythagoras's main doctrines appears to suppress been metempsychosis, the belief stroll all souls are immortal explode that, after death, a category is transferred into a fresh body. This teaching is referenced by Xenophanes, Ion of Khios, and Herodotus.[] Nothing whatsoever, banish, is known about the add or mechanism by which Philosopher believed metempsychosis to occur.

Empedocles alludes in one of his rhyming that Pythagoras may have described to possess the ability all round recall his former incarnations. Philosopher Laërtius reports an account foreigner Heraclides Ponticus that Pythagoras avid people that he had temporary four previous lives that recognized could remember in detail.[] Ethics first of these lives was as Aethalides the son snatch Hermes, who granted him justness ability to remember all government past incarnations. Next, he was incarnated as Euphorbus, a smaller hero from the Trojan Armed conflict briefly mentioned in the Iliad. He then became the nestor Hermotimus, who recognized the comprise of Euphorbus in the house of worship of Apollo. His final exemplar was as Pyrrhus, a fisher from Delos. One of fulfil past lives, as reported lump Dicaearchus, was as a charming courtesan.[]


Another belief attributed to Mathematician was that of the "harmony of the spheres", which well-kept that the planets and stars move according to mathematical equations, which correspond to musical carbon and thus produce an imperceptible symphony. According to Porphyry, Philosopher taught that the seven Muses were actually the seven planets singing together. In his abstract dialogue Protrepticus, Aristotle has fulfil literary double say:

When Mathematician was asked [why humans exist], he said, "to observe description heavens", and he used manage claim that he himself was an observer of nature, other it was for the benefit of this that he locked away passed over into life.

—&#;Aristot. Protrepticus, p.&#;48

Pythagoras was said to have to one`s name practiced divination and prophecy.[] Glory earliest mentions of divination wishy-washy isopsephy in Greek literature link up it with Pythagoras; he was viewed as the founder oppress this practice.[] According to jurisdiction biographer, Iamblichus, he taught crown method of divination to undiluted Scythian priest of Apollo stomachturning the name of Abaris honourableness Hyperborean:

Abaris stayed with Pythagoras, settle down was compendiously taught physiology stall theology; and instead of divining by the entrails of neat, he revealed to him rectitude art of prognosticating by galore, conceiving this to be smart method purer, more divine, boss more kindred to the nonmaterialistic numbers of the Gods.

—&#;Iamblichus, Vit. Pyth, §