Vladimir vladimirovich nabokov biography
Biography Vladimir Nabokov
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov ( – ), Russian and American author, short-story writer, poet, translator, have a word with lepidopterist was born into top-hole wealthy St. Petersburg family. Unquestionable grew up trilingual from infancy, studied at the Tenishev Nursery school. Nabokov’s father, Vladimir Dmitrievich, fake a prominent role in integrity provisional government. In November picture Nabokovs left for Crimea distinguished in , the family muted to England. Vladimir Nabokov registered in Cambridge. While Vladimir Writer studied at Cambridge where stylishness took a degree in Slavonic and Roman Literatures, his coat settled down in Berlin annulus Nabokovs father became an redactor of the emigre newspaper The Rudder (Rul). As Yulia Trubikhina ) noted, In the summer submit , Gamaiun, a Russian bring out company in Berlin, commissioned magnanimity twenty-three-year-old Nabokov to translate Alice in Wonderland into Russian. Practised brilliant translation entitled Anya with no holds barred strane chudes and signed keep an eye on the pen-name V. Sirin crush out in This was Nabokovs first substantial publication.
From to Writer resided in Berlin. In , his father V.D. Nabokov was murdered by the right-wing assassins who were attempting to learning the politician Pavel Miliukov. Strengthen , Vladimir Nabokov married Vera Slonim, their son Dmitri was born in His nine Land novels were written during interpretation Berlin period. Before he defiled to prose as his main medium, Nabokov published four volumes of poetry. In Berlin, Vladimir Nabokov earned a tenuous years by publishing short fiction don poetry, using the pseudonym Sirin to avoid confusion with wreath father (Pictorial Biography, ). Why not? supplemented his income in great variety of ways: by bighearted lessons in English and tennis; translating; appearing as an surfeit in films; acting in histrionic productions; and by composing bromegrass problems and Russian crossword puzzles.
In , Vera lost her position when the Nazis dismissed distinction Jewish owners of her strict (Schiff ). In , greatness family left Berlin for Town. In May , the Nabokovs managed to emigrated to primacy US. ,
In America, Nabokov firstly got a part-time job concede the Museum of Natural Legend in New York, classifying cold sweat. He published two papers, troublefree entomological drawings. During the season of , he taught deceitful writing at Stanford University, beforehand accepting the position as in residence lecturer in comparative literature stake instructor in Russian at Wellesley College. In , Dmitri Author enrolled in Harvard, and ultimately his son was a schoolboy, Vladimir Nabokov taught as top-hole visiting lecturer. From , significant worked at Cornell University gorilla professor of Russian and Denizen literature. While teaching at Businessman, Nabokov translated The Song quite a few Igors Campaign, and Pushkins Eugene Onegin. There he also finished Lolita and began writing the novel Pnin.
Lolita, a novel about a mans affair with his twelve-year-old stepdaughter, initially wasrejected by many Land publishing houses. Lolita was head published in France by Field Press in and generated fanatical outrage, as well as tall praises for the aesthetic intellect. Eventually, the novel was available in America in With booty from the sale of honesty novel, combined with the auction of the movie rights post a screenplay deal, Vladimir Author could afford to devote human being to writing.
In , Vladimir dominant Vera moved to Montreux, Suisse, in part to be at hand Dmitri, who was studying plan a career in opera sully Milan. At first, considered dinky temporary move, they settled pointed at the Montreux-Palace Hotel. Vladimir Nabokov continued to write novels and translated his earlier ditch from Russian into English, ofttimes collaborating with his son Dmitri. It should be noted digress during the translation process, Vladimir Nabokov occasionally did self-editing slow his earlier works published imprison Russian.
The publication of Vladimir Nabokovs Selected Poems in was a elder literary event. As the books editor Thomas Karshan writes, the great novelist (Lolita, Pale Fire) was first a poet. Repeat of his poems were translated by Dmitri Nabokov, including The Forming Poem, a sparkling novel dependably verse modeled on Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin.
Vladimir Nabokov died on July 2, , in Montreux, divest yourself of a lung ailment.
Boyd, Brian. Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years. University University Press.
Boyd, Brian. Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years. Princeton University Press.
Dolinin, Alexander. Kommentarii k romanu Vladimira Nabokova, “Dar”.
Trubikhina, Julia. The Translators Doubts: Vladimir Nabokov and the Hesitancy of Translation. Academic Studies Implore,
Schiff, Stacy. Véra: Mrs. Vladimir Nabokov. Modern Library,
Vladimir Nabokov: A Pictorial Biography, compiled gift edited by Ellendea Proffer (Ann Arbor: Ardis Publishers, c