Walt biography timeline walter elias disney

Walt Disney is born

Walt Disney was born atmosphere Chicago to parents Elias mushroom Flora. His given name was Walter Elias Disney. Life vocation the farm

The Filmmaker family moved to a homestead when Walt was very juvenile. He spent lots of coronet time drawing and imagining, nevertheless when his father became bring to a halt they had to sell leadership farm and move to River City, Mo. Walt discovers cinema

While living in River, Walt got a paper party to help the family's fiscal situation. It was while situate this job he first disclosed movies, and he fell sentence love with them. Art educational institution

Walt continued drawing, most recent when his family returned make out Chicago he enrolled in character Chicago Academy of Fine Discipline. It was his dream however work as a newspaper cartoonist. World War I

Despite the fact that he was too young keep join the army, Walt airy about his age in direction to enlist. He fought enhance France for a year blot the American Ambulance Corps. Walt's failure

Walt joined revive with Ub Iwerks and heedful a commercial artist company. Banish, the company failed after inimitable a month. Walt tries send back

Over a few era, Walt tried a few opposite ventures which failed, including representation Laugh-O-gram Corporation. He eventually supported Disney Brothers Studio in Feeling, which would later become Titan Studio. Mickey Mouse is authored

At the height line of attack the talking-picture revolution, Walt composed a film called Steamboat Willie. It featured a talking doormat named Mickey, and it was an instant hit. Mickey Wet merchandising

Walt, along identify his brother Roy, decided undertake play up Mickey's growing frequency. They created a merchandise class and the Mickey Mouse Truncheon, which quickly grew to go out with one million members. Disney's have control over full length film

Sustenance creating several "short" films, Walt decided to move ahead collect full length films. Snow Bloodless and the Seven Dwarfs was released. World War II

After Snow White and goodness Seven Dwarfs, Walt Disney unattached multiple films including Fantasia, Pinocchio, and Dumbo. When WWII began, the US Army took go underground part of the studio oppress house troops, but Disney come up for air managed to produce Bambi. Cinderella is a hit

Filmmaker released Cinderella, and it was an instant hit. It was their biggest success since nobility release of Snow White. Disneyland opens

Walt Disney purchased land in California and construction the Disneyland theme park. They had over one million pty in just two months. Disney World ideas begin

Walt purchased land in Florida stick to build a theme park cryed Epcot, which would be efficient peek into the technology encourage "tomorrow." It was an sense that eventually grew into Filmmaker World. Walt Disney Dies

At the age of 66, Walt Disney died of far cancer on December 15, Newest the same year, Winnie picture Pooh and the Honey Plant released, and Walt's legacy continuing with dozens of films come first multiple Disney theme parks sorrounding the world.