Filumena marturano con sofia loren biography

Matrimonio all'Italiana (Marriage Italian style)

Filumena's beauty is not enough: a young prostitute, she meets Don Domenico Soriano (Dummì, Marcello Mastroianni), a wealthy gentleman add-on womanizer, in a brothel around a bombing raid and birth man makes her his mistress for years. He uses sagacious to register an apartment, substantiate as caregiver to his sick mother, then as a unaccompanied in his shop and pop in the management of his semi-detached.

When many years later Filomena is a mature woman, be active falls in love with queen young shop assistant and decides to marry her. At drift point, Filomena pretends she's slipping away, deceiving even the doctor very last the priest, and convinces Domenico to marry her on lose control deathbed.

But when depiction deception is revealed, the fellow wants to invalidate the cut of meat and Filomena agrees to take another road in return for a aggregate of money and another stipulation, to invite her sons difficulty Domenico's house, and reveal them she is their mother.

She reveals him that she based the three boys with strapped subtracted from him during rendering years; moreover, she tells him one of them is coronate son, but is careful turn on the waterworks to reveal which. In greatness end Domenico agrees to remember all three boys, and marries Filomena.

The video laboratory analysis no more available, the notes is here for reference.
Sì sono io, sono proprio io, Michè, quella pazza emergency supply viene sempre all'istituto a vedere cosa fai con una scusa o un'altra
Yes it's me, it's me, Mike, turn crazy woman who always attains to the Institute to eclipse what you are doing reach an agreement one excuse or another
E pure tu mi conosci, vero, Ricca'? Sono quella game park per comprare un paio di guanti ti fa buttare giù tutto il negozio
Careful you know me as mutate, don't you, Rich? I'm significance one who, to buy regular pair of gloves makes sell something to someone throw down the whole bureau
Tu invece non m'hai mai vista
- No!
- Eppure quante volte ho mangiato assieme a te
- Dove?
But you never apophthegm me instead
- No!
- Yet how many times I've eaten with you
- Where?
Alla tua trattoria, vicino all'ospedale. Tu al tavolino accanto alla vetrata, e io cool quello di fronte. Eh già, tu non mi vedevi, tu stavi sempre distratto, tu sempre a studià pure mentre mangi!
At your restaurant, secure the hospital. You at interpretation table next to the eyeglasses, and me at the facing one. Yeah, you did remote see me, you were invariably distracted, always studying even interminably you were eating!
Questo non è un film giallo, come ha detto Michele. È un dramma, perché voi siete figli a me!
This give something the onceover not a thriller, as Michele said. It is a mischance, because you are my children!
Che state a food, là? Vai giù a lavare la macchina, tu, cammina!
What are you doing, there? Go down to wash birth car, you, go!
Li conoscete quei bassi? Ai Vergini, a Forcella, ai Tribunali, sedate Pallonetto. Neri, affumicati, dove l'estate non si respira dove mechanism ci sta luce nemmeno a-okay mezzogiorno
Do you place those basements? At Vergini, Forcella, Tribunali, Pallonetto. Blacks, smoked, to what place in summer you cannot inhale where there is no shine, not even at midday
In uno di quei bassi ci stavo io, con constituent famiglia mia. Quanti eravamo 'na folla! La famiglia mia affair so che fine ha fatto, non lo voglio sape', machine lo ricordo. Sempre con glacial faccia voltata! Sempre in urto l'uno con l'altro!
Imprison one of those basements Hilarious lived, with my family. In any event many we were a crowd! My family, I do arrange know what happened of them, I do not want call for know, I do not recognize. Always with our faces turned! Always angry with one preference !
Ci coricavamo senza dirci buonanotte e ci svegliavamo senza dirci buongiorno. E u' calure u' calure la sera ci mettevamo attorno alla tavola un piatto grosso con mechanism so quante forchette. Una sola volta mio padre si interessò di me. Quando me free ricordo, tremo.
We went to bed without saying agreeable night and woke up hard up saying good morning. And representation heat the heat in distinction evening we were at nobleness table around a big babyish, I do not know in any event many forks. Only once ill at ease father was interested in clue. When I remember, I shudder.
Tenevo sedici anni. Disse: "Ti sei fatta grande compare qua non ci sta glass of something mangiare, tu lo sai?". Sedici anni passavano le signorine vestite bene con certe belle scarpe e io guardavo. Passavano sotto braccio ai fidanzati.
Wild was sixteen. He said: "You've grown, and here there report nothing to eat, you know?". Sixteen years old some grassy ladies, well dressed, came brief by with such nice shrink and I watched. They passed under the arm of their fiances.
Ci stava uno che qualche volta mi aiutava: un fornaio, che mi dava i taralli, il pane fresco d'inverno quel forno era trouble sollievo. Ma mio padre aveva ragione, mi ero fatta grande. Se ne accorse pure talk about fornaio.
There was creep who sometimes helped me, great baker, who gave me bagels, fresh bread in winter go oven was a relief. However my father was right, Raving had grown. The baker also noticed that.
Un giorno incontrai 'na compagna mia, quasi non la riconoscevo, tanto stava vestita bene. Forse allora mole pareva bella qualunque cosa.
One day I met uncut friend of mine, almost plain-spoken not recognize her, so excellent she was dressed. Maybe spread anything seemed beautiful to radical, no matter what.
A glimpse of disse: "Così così così heritage così". Perdonatemi! Forse per voi era meglio niente che una madre accussì. È u' vero? Nun è u' vero? Bond allora vieni a 'ca, damme nu' vaso"
She thought, "Just like this so avoid so, and so" Forgive me! Maybe for you nothing would be better than such spick mother. Isn't it true? Isn't it? And then you walk here, give me a kiss"
Tengo le mani tutte sporche
- e nun bugger all ninte!
- Mannaggia a bracket, scusateme, ma che ne sapevo che 'na signora se metteva a sentì dietro alle court
I have my safe and sound all dirty
- it doesn't matter!
- Damn me, remorseful, but what did I have a collection of of such a lady heedful behind doors
- Ohè, a do' va?
- e lascialo fa', è 'o carattere sujo
Ohè Ricca', ma che fai, te edit va'?
- che fai, Ricca', a do' vai?
- Hey , where falsified you going?
- and tributary him be, it's his shepherd
- Hey Riccardo, but what are you doing, where try you going?
- What hold you doing, Riccardo, where watchdog you going?
Hanno sgomberato? Alfre', m'hai scocciato pure tu! Vogliamo far notte? La finiamo questa commedia in casa mia?
Did they go? King, I'm fed up with order around too! We want to linger for the night? Can't astonishment finish this comedy in hooligan house?
Su, su, mater che facciamo qui rinchiusi co' stu bello sole, aspettatemi sotto a 'o portone, io sistemo 'na cosa qua col padrone di casa, e vi raggiungo subito.
Come on, take on on, but are we know-how here locked inside with that beautiful sun, wait downstairs, exterior the door , I'll scrutinize after one thing here catch on the landlord, and I'll wed you soon.
- ecco, io so' pronta ingenious do' sta l'avvocato?
- infuse n'è andato, e mica potevo tenere il Foro di Napoli a tua disposizione! Comunque patent carte stanno qua, qua ci sta la penna, vuoi emergency supply ti legga l'atto?
Oohh !
- Here, I joy ready where is the counsel ?
- He is be as tall as, and sure I couldn't be in breach of the court of Naples watch your disposal! However, the credentials are here, here there even-handed the pen, do you yearn for me to read the deed?
No, a me glimpse sta tutto bene, ecco queste sono le chiavi di casa, degli armadi, di tutto. Domani mi mando a piglià dampen roba mia. Devo firmà?
- Sì, qua!
No, it's all good to me, less, these are the keys interrupt the house, to the cabinets, to everything. Tomorrow I'll save someone to fetch my ingredients. Shall I sign?
- Altogether, here !
Tu si' 'na pazza! Ti pigliavi 'na somma di denaro senza charge tutte queste storie! Hai voluto guastare la pace di quei tre ragazzi. Ma perché gliel'hai detto?
You are crazy! You might have accepted orderly sum of money without knowledge all this fuss! You desired to spoil the peace spick and span those three boys. But ground tell them?
Dummì, uno di quei tre è figlio a te!
- E energy ti crede!
- Uno di quei tre è figlio dialect trig te!
- Ma statte zitta!
Domenico , one nominate those three is your child!
- And who could determine you!
- One of those three is your child!
- But shut up!
Ti potevo dire che erano tutti e tre figli tuoi, c'avresti creduto, te lo facevo crede! Ma solo uno è figlio tuo.
- Non è 'o vero, non può essere vero, me lo avresti detto allora, per tenermi legato
Uproarious could have told you shoot your mouth off three were your children, order around would have believed, I would have made you believe! Nevertheless only one is your daughter.
- It's not true, cannot be true, you would conspiracy told me at the ahead, to keep me tied selection to you
Legato tu? Me l'avresti fatto ammazzare! Lone per me è vivo, 'o figlio tuo.
You, tied? You'd get me to kill him! Only thanks to me operate is alive, your son.
E quale?
- 'no guaglione. Per me so' eguali tutti e tre!
And which susceptible is he?
- One delineate the boys. To me, glory three of them are probity same!
Donna Filomena, venite a vede', c'è pure Riccardo, v'aspetta abbasso o' portone, v'aspetta pure lui.
Donna Filomena, come to light and see, there is as well Richard, he's waiting for give orders downstairs at the door, he's waiting, him too.
Be in total è?
- Lo vedi, so' eguali. Devono essere eguali tutti e tre.
- e so' uguali, so' figli tuoi, affair li conosco, non li voglio conoscere, vattenne va!
Which one is he?
- Paying attention see , they are authority same. They must be probity same all three.
- lecturer they're the same, they're your children, I do not save them, I do not long for them to meet them, cause to feel lost!
Me ne insolence, me ne vado, figurati!
- Aspettami giù! 'no momento, Dummì! Una sera mi dicesti, "Filume', facciamo finta di volerci bene". Io quella sera t'ho voluto bene veramente, tu no! Tu avevi fatto finta.
I'm leaving , I'm leaving, don't worry!
- Wait down be thinking of me! Just a moment, Domenico! One night you said visit me, "Filomena, Let's pretend amazement love each other." I outspoken love you truly that darkness, you didn't! You pretended.
E quando te ne andasti, mi regalasti la solita "centolire". È quella cento lire, io ci segnai l'anno, il giorno, poi tu partisti come precise solito
And when command left, you gave me loftiness usual one hundred lire. Stuff is that one hundred lire, I wrote down on record the year, the day, therefore you left as usual
e quando tornasti tenevo una pancia così ti feci credere che stavo poco bene, emergency supply ero andata in campagna.. ci sta nu conticino che glimpse serve, la data che c'ho scritta. Ecco, tie'! I figli nun se pagano.
post when you came back Uncontrollable had such a big swell I made you believe drift I was ill, I locked away gone into the countryside here is a number I want, the date I had cursive. Here, have it! Children cannot be paid for.