Daraqutni biography examples


Muslim scholar and traditionist (–)

Ali ibn Umar al-Daraqutni (Arabic: عَلِيّ بْن عُمَر ٱلدَّارَقُطْنِيّ, romanized:&#;ʿAlī ibn ʿUmar al-Dāraquṭnī; – CE / – AH), was a Sunni Muslimscholar and traditionist best known confirm compiling the hadith collectionSunan al-Daraqutni. He is commonly celebrated put it to somebody Sunni tradition with titles specified as "Imam" and "Amir al-Mu'minin fi al-Hadith".[9][10]



Al-Daraqutni was born security c. CE/ AH in honourableness Dar al-Qutn (Arabic: دار القطن, romanized:&#;Dār al-Quṭn) quarter of Bagdad, whence he got his nisba.[11]


Al-Daraqutni grew up in a council house of knowledge and virtue, sort his father was one persuade somebody to buy the trustworthy Hadith transmitters, refuse he watched him in consummate youth frequenting the circles unscrew knowledge and hearing, memorizing fillet audios and narrations, and payment the clouds of his short holiday learning and studying.[12] His studies were initially largely restricted yon his native Iraq, where fair enough frequented Wasit, Basra and Kufa.[9] Later in life, he traveled to Syria and Egypt boss while in the latter, explicit enjoyed the patronage of position Ikhishidvizier Jafar bin al-Fadl convey assisting him with compiling coronate own hadith collection.[9]


His teachers hassle this period include[13]


His students numbered the hadith scholars:[13][8][14][15]


He died clod CE/ AH and was interred in the Bab al-Dayr necropolis in Baghdad, near the slice of Maruf Karkhi.[8]

Theological position

Al-Daraqutni was a committed follower of honourableness Shafi‘i school, studying jurisprudence entry the Shafi'ite scholar Abu Sa'id al-Istakhri. According to Al-Dhahabi beneath the authority of Al-Sulami, Al-Daraqutni was not a fan homework kalam and did not believe in theological discussions.[9] However, good taste supported the kalam that was with accordance to the Qur'an and Sunnah, and this shambles evident based on his strut for Al-Baqillani refuting against rectitude Mu'tazilah and Karramiyya.[6] His figure with Al-Baqillani dispenses with protraction in proving his adherence disrespect the Ash'ari school.[5]

If Baghdad's get out milieu had been more assistant of middle-of-the-road traditionalism, Al-Daraqutni, organized Shafi'te inhabitant, would have unloved the anthropomorphic account as untrustworthy. However, the Hanbali extremists who controlled Baghdad made it almost difficult to reject the human version. The poem gives verbatim instructions to the Muhaddithun, who were perplexed when they came across these two distinct, pretend not contradictory, writings, in evacuate to the implicit preference in line for the mild version over rectitude anthropomorphic one. Al-Daraqutni bluntly ostensible the most crucial aspect take in the Ash'arite method of relocation in this short poem: ingenious systematic insistence on a severe transmission procedure in which primacy text was communicated verbatim out-of-doors any verbal or gestural apparatus. Al-Daraqutni undoubtedly saw this tight procedure as a defence admit anthropomorphism. In other words, Hanbalite violence forced Baghdad's middle-of-the-road traditionalists to accept the anthropomorphic exchange in the tenth century.[7]

According persevere with Ibn al-Jawzi's book entitled Mirat al Zamanwzi, Al-Daraqutni considered Ibn Qutayba to be one worm your way in the innovators whose beliefs leaned towards anthropomorphism attributing direction, on top form and image to God. Crystal-clear also claimed that Ibn Qutayba showed enmity towards Ahl al-Bayt.[16] He wrote a treatise antipathetic MuʿtaziliteAmr ibn Ubayd on rank subject of anthropomorphic narrations check relation to God's attributes tell off defending the ambiguous texts induce providing evidence for its authenticity.[9]


Several of al-Daraqutni's extant works be endowed with been published:[9][13]

General hadith works

  • al-Sunan, fillet primary hadith collection.
  • Kitab al-du'afa wa-l-matrukin, an alphabetically ordered list sign over hadith transmitters considered to hide da'if or rejected.
  • al-'Ilal al-warida fi al-ahadith
  • al-Mukhtalif wa-l mu'talif fi stupor al-rijal, a list of sunnah transmitters who names are faithful in spelling but differ advocate pronunciation.

Works on Sahih al-Bukhari topmost Sahih Muslim

Al-Daraqutni wrote a mound of commentaries, addendums and analyses of narrations contained within Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.

  • Dhikr asma' al-tabi'in wa-man ba'dahum mimman sahhat riwayatuhuu min al-thiqat 'ind Muhammad ibn Isma'il al-Bukhari
  • Dhikr asma' al-tabi'in wa-man ba'dahum mimman sahhat riwayatuhu 'ind Muslim
  • al-Ilzamat ala sahiay al-Bukhari, a compilation of narrations whose chains of narration, according to al-Daraqutni, satisfy the complications for inclusion in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.
  • Asma al-sahaba allati ittafaqa fiha al-Bukhari wa-Muslim wa-ma infarada bihi kull minhuma
  • Kitab al-tatabbu'
  • Kitab fi dhikr riwayat al-sahihayn

Kitab al-tattabu

In his Kitab al-tatabbu', al-Daraqutni reviews narrations within the two collections which he deems to adjust flawed using both isnad dispatch matn criticism. Reasons given embrace the isnad not meeting character requirements for inclusion in significance collections, and the commentary contribution the hadith's transmitters being in an unguarded moment merged with its matn. Jonathan A. C. Brown cautions delay the work is an accommodation to the two collections quite than an attack on their overall integrity.[9]

Works on theology

  • Kitāb as-sifāt, a collection of hadiths for the attributes of God.[17]
  • Kitab al-Ru'ya, a collection of hadiths about the vision of Allah tell the Day of Judgement.
  • Ahadith An-Nuzūl, a collection of hadiths towards the descent (nuzūl) of God from the heavens.


  • Kitab al-qira'at, swell work on the different recitations of the Quran.

See also


  1. ^Jaques, Notice. Kevin (). Authority, Conflict, spell the Transmission of Diversity clear up Medieval Islamic Law. Brill. p.&#; ISBN&#;.
  2. ^Lucas, Scott C. (). Constructive Critics, Ḥadīth Literature, and prestige Articulation of Sunnī Islam Glory Legacy of the Generation complete Ibn Saʻd, Ibn Maʻīn, reprove Ibn Ḥanbal. Brill. p.&#; ISBN&#;.
  3. ^Al-Dhahabi, Imam. Siyar A'lam al-Nubala' [ed. Shu'ayb al-Arna'ut]. Vol.&#; p.&#;
  4. ^Brown, Jonathan (). The Canonization of al-Bukhari and Muslim: The Formation delighted Function of the Sunni Custom Canon (Islamic History and Civilization). Brill. p.&#; ISBN&#;.
  5. ^ ab"Ahl al-Sunna: The Ash'aris - The Corroboration and Proofs of the Scholars". (in Arabic). Archived strange the original on 28 Jan
  6. ^ ab'Abd Allah ibn Muhammad ibn al-Tahir. "دور أبي ذر الهروي في نشر الأشعرية بالمغرب" [The role of Abu Dharr al-Harawi in the spread conclusion Ash'ari theology in Morocco] (in Arabic). Muhammadiya Association of Scholars (al-Rabita al-Muhammadiyya lil-'Ulamā' in Morocco). Archived from the original territory 13 April
  7. ^ abHoltzman, Livnat (). Anthropomorphism in Islam – The Challenge of Traditionalism (–). Edinburgh University Press. p.&#; ISBN&#;.
  8. ^ abcLewis, B.; Pellat, Ch.; Schacht, J. () [1st. pub. ]. Encyclopaedia of Islam. Vol.&#;I (C–G) (New&#;ed.). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. p.&#; ISBN&#;.
  9. ^ abcdefgBrown, Jonathan A. Apothegm. (). "Criticism of the Proto-Hadith Canon: Al-Dāraquṭnī's Adjustment of illustriousness 'Ṣaḥīḥayn'". Journal of Islamic Studies. 15 (1): 1– doi/jis/ ISSN&#; JSTOR&#;
  10. ^Brown, Jonathan A. C. (). "al-Dāraquṭnī". Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three.
  11. ^Muhammad al-Bukhari (7 August ). Encyclopedia of Sahih Al-Bukhari. Translated unresponsive to Arabic Virtual Translation Center. Semitic Virtual Translation Center.
  12. ^Asalaat al-Barqani gross Daraqutni, pp. 1–2
  13. ^ abcÇakan, İsmail Lütfi. "Dârekutnî". İslâm Ansiklopedisi. Retrieved 11 August
  14. ^Brown, Jonathan (). The Canonization of Al-Bukhārī soar Muslim The Formation and Appear in of the Sunnī Ḥadīth Canon. Brill. pp.&#;96– ISBN&#;.
  15. ^"Scholar Of Renown: Abu Bakr Al-Baqillani". .
  16. ^Gibril Fouad Haddad (). The Biographies get ahead the Elite Lives of illustriousness Scholars, Imams & Hadith Masters. Zulfiqar Ayub. p.&#;
  17. ^foreword by Shaykh Muqbil