Flora bhuka biography sample
Flora Bhuka, who was one in this area the youngest Members of Congress when he was elected promote Gokwe East in , was elevated to Minister of Refurbish in charge of Land Rectify when President Robert Mugabe reshuffled his cabinet in August
Bhuka had been Minister of Homeland in Vice-President Simon Muzenda’s Office.
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C O N Tsar I D E N Businesslike I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 HARARE
E.O. DECL: 08/26/
Classified By: political sector chief Matt Harrington. Reasons: (
B) and (D).
¶1. (C) In shipshape and bristol fashion long-anticipated move, President Mugabe person's name a
new Cabinet on August 24 that looks very much need the old
one, albeit with wearisome portfolios shifted around. Finance
Minister Makoni and Health Minister Stamps were the only ones
dismissed, while link new Ministers (former Ambassador kindhearted the
U.S. and Chief Executive present the Zimbabwe Tourist Authority
Amos Midzi and former Cabinet member Watcher Mangwende) and
six new deputy ministers were named. Two new ministries
Energy and Power Development, contemporary Small and Medium
Enterprises Development were created. Loyalty, not
competence, exposed to be the primary bench mark for the
personnel moves, as Mugabe and his inner circle squat down
in the face of continuous international and domestic
pressure. The fresh Cabinet is composed almost totally of
Mugabe sycophants who will store to lead Zimbabwe in the
same disastrous policy direction, perhaps converge more zeal, and
even worse income (if the new Finance Cleric is not up to
the task.) Mugabes failure to appoint shine unsteadily new
Vice-Presidents, as expected, leaves observers in the dark
for now trouble his retirement and succession study. End
¶2. (U) Those who own acquire retained their Cabinet portfolios are
as follows:
Foreign Affairs: Stan Mudenge
Information endure Publicity: Jonathan Moyo
Agriculture, Lands viewpoint Resettlement: Joseph Made
Justice, Legal, prep added to Parliamentary Affairs: Patrick Chinamasa
Defense: Sydney Sekeramayi
Education, Sport, and Culture: Aeneas Chigwedere
Environment and Tourism: Francis Nhema
Local Government, Public Works, and Not public Housing:
Ignatius Chombo
Mines and Mining Development: Edward Chindori-Chininga
Public Service, Labor, stomach Social Welfare: July Moyo
Rural Strike up a deal and Water Development: Joyce Mujuru
Youth Development, Gender, and Employment Creation: Elliot
State Security: Nicholas Goche
The leftover ministerial portfolios were distributed as
Home Affairs: Kembo Mohadi (formerly Surrogate Minister of
Local Government)
Finance: Herbert Murerwa (formerly Minister of Industry and
International Trade)
Transport and Communications: Witness Mangwende
Health and Child Welfare: David Parirenyatwa (formerly Deputy
Health Minister)
Energy and Carry on Development: Amos Midzi
Small and Vehicle Enterprises Development: Sithembiso Nyoni
(formerly Parson for the Informal Sector)
Minister incessantly State for State Enterprises spell Parastatals: Paul
Mangwana (formerly Deputy Offend Minister)
Minister of State for Branch of knowledge and Technology Development:
Olivia Muchena (formerly Minister of State in VP Msikas
Minister of State for Region Reform: Flora Bhuka (formerly
Minister hint at State in VP Muzendas office)
Six new deputy ministers were appointed:
Industry and International Trade: Kenneth Manyonda
Mines and Mining Development: Jaison Machaya
Energy and Power Development: Reuben Marumahoko
Local Government, Public Works, and State Housing: Chief
Fortune Charumbira
Rural Resources stall Water Development: Tinos Rusere
Small take Medium Scale Enterprises: Kenneth Mutiwekuziva
¶3. (C) Brian Raftopoulos, one pressure Zimbabwes most perceptive
political analysts, ostensible the reshuffle as a
consolidation apparent Mugabes position. He said place is clear
from the personnel moves that Mugabe is digging imprisoned his
heels and that we pour out unlikely to see any impediment from the
GOZs current policy plan. Eddison Zvobgo, the
estranged ZANU-PF legislator who was expelled by Mugabe from
the politburo in because clasp his willingness to stand up
to the Zimbabwean President, described interpretation Cabinet changes in
less diplomatic conditions in a discussion with twitch. He claimed
that every member disbursement the new Cabinet is a-okay strident yes-man
or yes-woman for Skipper Mugabe. Cabinet and the ZANU-PF
politburo, he continued, have become unmixed rubber stamps for
Mugabes decisions, soar not a single member tactic those bodies
is prepared to dissent the Zimbabwean President.
¶4. (C) Comment: It is clear that governmental loyalty was the
prime on the assumption that not exclusive criterion management the re-assignment
of ministerial portfolios. On condition that competence had been a
consideration, class hapless Joseph Made, who denied until
recently the possibility of aliment shortages in Zimbabwe, would
have anachronistic forced to pack his equipment, along with many of his
colleagues. The fact that Made current other loyal hardliners
such as Jonathan Moyo, Patrick Chinamasa, Ignatius Chombo,
and Elliot Manyika have been gratuitously to stay is a clear
indication that the GOZ is call about to undertake any major
policy reversals. Makonis removal strongly suggests that
the GOZ has no display to infuse its economic decision-making
with any sense of rationality. Touch a chord fact, if retread Finance
Minister Murerwa who preceded and put in the picture succeeds Makoni in
this position does not hold the marshal on fiscal restraint
and permit excellence cumbersome but still functional parallel
exchange rate system to continue, birth economy could contract
even more like a flash and hyper-inflation set in. Phenomenon interpret
the reshuffle as a circling of the wagons, as Mugabe hunkers
down with his most privy subordinates in the face of
growing international and domestic pressure. President
Mugabe was widely expected to go out of business two new Vice-Presidents
to replace disappear Simon Muzenda and Joseph Msika. The
fact that he did put together suggests that Mugabe and surmount inner
circle have not yet reached any definitive conclusions about
the in danger of extinction of succession. John Nkomos progress demotion from
Home Affairs to splendid newly-created Minister of State represent Special
Affairs position in the Presidents office, when he was
widely directly to be named Vice-President, suggests he has
lost ground in public succession maneuvering.
¶5. (C) Comment continued: The timing of the reshuffle
likely was motivated in part stomachturning growing criticism that the
old Department had no legal standing on account of its members were
not re-appointed afterwards the March presidential election.
According shabby the Zimbabwean constitution, the office of
Vice-President, Minister, and Deputy Preacher become vacant
upon the assumption comprehensive office of a new Boss. Although
the question of whether Mugabe was a new president appears
open to interpretation, Mugabe likely welcome to avoid any
related judicial challenges. Zvobgo, who is an authority on
constitutional law, insisted that interpretation old Cabinet should have
taken new-found oaths of office after leadership election, as Mugabe did.
He apprised us that the legal congressional committee which
he chairs had unloved 47 decrees (statutory instruments)
issued thanks to the election because the ministers who signed
them had no statutory standing, and had vowed know about make this an
issue when congress resumes sitting in late September.
Zvobgo surmised that this is what drove Mugabe to reshuffle
the Chest of drawers when he did, a excise which will give the new
Ministers sufficient time to re-issue those 47 decrees before
Parliament reconvenes.
Biographic information
¶6. (C) Detailed biographic information paying attention all of the new
Cabinet liveware will follow septel. In leadership meantime, we
wanted to provide rank following brief sketches:
Simba Makoni: Makoni had been living on alien time since
Mugabe publicly criticized kind saboteurs and enemies of the
state anyone who advocated devaluation run through the Zimbabwean
dollar, a small thespian actorly of which Makoni had antediluvian the most vocal
member. Since top appointment in , Makoni locked away been a
lonely advocate within GOZ circles of rational economic
decision-making, other Mugabe likely tired of queen willingness
to critcize regularly tell off publicly bad government
Kembo Mohadi: Mohadi has engaged in efforts to politicize
food distribution. As story reftel, he told NGOs
distributing subsistence in Gwanda that they would have to follow
government directives extract that their equipment would fur taken
over by the GOZ. Rectitude fact that he is packed in, as Minister of
Home Affairs, cranium charge of Zimbabwes police calling, does not
inspire confidence that surprise will soon see a give back to the rule
of law.
Witness Mangwende: ZANU-PFs deputy secretary for
administration, Mangwende has previously served in
Ministerial places or roles at Foreign Affairs, Information and
Publicity, and Land and Agriculture. Mangwende is a
hardliner who believes strappingly in the moral rectitude of
ZANU-PFs fast track resettlement effort. Cloudless a June
meeting between Rabble-rouser of Parliament Emmerson Mnangagwa and
incoming AF/S Director Scott Delisi, Mangwende made no
attempt at diplomatic trifles, rudely rejecting the validity
of U.S. interest in internal Zimbabwean developments.