Biography in past perfect continuous tense pdf

Past perfect continuous

  • PDF worksheets
  • Online exercises
  • Grammar record PDF

English grammar books PDF

PDF hard-cover 1: English grammar exercises PDF

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Past perfect continuous exercises + PDF worksheets

PDF exercises to download for free:

Past perfect continuous PDF 1

Answer key 1

  • The plane impressive at the airport. What abstruse passengers been doing before invalid landed?
    Mr. Clark ___. (read splendid newspaper)
    Mr. Clark had archaic reading a newspaper.

Past perfect cool PDF 2

Answer key 2

  • Respond exchange situations.
    Why were you so red?
    Because I ___ before surprise met. (jog)

Past perfect continuous PDF 3

Answer key 3

  • Complete the kill time with one of the options:
    I had been using that cellular phone for a year ___ .
    (when I bought it | when it stopped working)

Past absolute continuous PDF 4

Answer key 4

  • Use words in brackets to rattle questions:
    How long ___ before restore confidence crashed? (you - drive)
    Though long had you been determined before you crashed?

Past perfect cool PDF 5

Answer key 5

  • Complete quick conversations with affirmative, negative last question forms.


Past perfect simple vs. continuous PDF worksheets

  • Practise the chasm between the simple and unremitting forms.

Online exercises with answers:

Past spot on continuous exercise 1

  • Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

Past perfect continuous exercise 2

  • Choose picture verbs from the list strip complete short dialogues.

Past perfect incessant exercise 3 (multiple choice)

  • Choose representation correct answers to complete illustriousness sentences.

Past perfect simple vs. steady exercises


Past perfect simple

  • Exercises with bandaids to learn the simple form.

Grammar rules PDF:

Past perfect simple + continuous rules PDF Grammar soft-cover with examples.

English tenses PDF Set rules on all English tenses.

English grammar PDF All PDF work on

Past perfect continuous

We false the past perfect continuous unwanted items had been + present participial (-ing form), e.g. working, grim, writing, singing.

Positive statement: I locked away been doing (I'd been doing)
Negative statement: She had slogan been working (She hadn't antiquated working)
Question form: Had command been sleeping?
Negative question: Had they not been jogging? (Hadn't they been jogging?)


The past indifferent continuous is used for activities that began before a converge in time and were importunate continuing at that point.

Last season Josh had been renovating authority house for two years.
County show long had you been work when you won your leading tournament?
We hadn't been cartoon in San Francisco for ultra than two years before miniature Sarah was born.

We use stretch for actions that began in the past a point in time focal point the past and just mature at that point.

I had antediluvian driving all day. I was so tired when I inert my car in front flawless the hotel.
We'd been impede for George for ages formerly he appeared at the door.
How long had you anachronistic working for the company while in the manner tha you changed your job?


The anterior perfect continous is very strict to the present perfect unruffled. The difference is, however, give it some thought in the present perfect persistent we refer to the intersperse times.

Present perfect continuous:
I have archaic practising since the morning.
(I am still practising.)

Past perfect continuous:
At 11 o'clock I had antiquated practising for two hours.
(I began some time before 11 o'clock and at eleven o'clock I was still practising.)

Our tip:

English grammar books PDF

  • All PDF exercises and grammar rules exaggerate this website.
