Bhagat Singh Biography - Life, Books, Ideology, Conspiracy InfluenceBhagat Singh was a brave freedom fighter in India. He was only 23 when the British rulers hanged him.
Jô SoaresBrazilian comedian ()For the rugby player, see Joe Soares. Jô SoaresSoares in Birth;nameJosé Eugênio SoaresBorn()16 January Rio de Janeiro, BrazilDied5 August () (aged;84)São Paulo, BrazilYears activeGenresSpouseTherezinha Millet Austregésilo;32;;40;m.
How to Write an Annotated Bibliography, With ExamplesAn annotated bibliography is a type of bibliography that includes a comment by the author about the source in addition to the sources publishing information. The authors notes, or annotations, can discuss anything relevant to the topic, such as the sources accuracy, the context in which it was written, or even your personal views on the source.
Lourdes Ramos-Rivas, the first Latina president and CEO of Long Beachs Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA), has ambitious plans to grow the museum into a first-class institution with international clout. nbsp;A museum professional with 20 years of experience, Ramos-Rivas has spent her career immersed in Latino art.
Milton OboteUgandan prime minister and president ()Apollo Milton Obote (28 December 10 October ) was a Ugandan politician who served as the second prime minister of Uganda from to and the second president of Uganda from to and later from to A Lango, Obote studied at the Busoga College and Makerere University. In , he joined the Uganda National Congress (UNC) and later split away by founding the Uganda People's Congress (UPC) in After Uganda gained independence from British colonial rule in , Obote was sworn in as prime minister in a coalition with the Kabaka Yekka, whose leader Mutesa II was named president.
Willard WiganBritish sculptor (born )Willard WiganWigan in BornJune (age;67;68)Ashmore Park Estate, Wednesfield, EnglandKnown;forSculptureMovementMicro miniatureAwardsMBEWillard Wigan, MBE (born June ) is a Britishsculptor from Ashmore Park Estate, Wednesfield, England, the son of Jamaican immigrants, who makes micro miniature sculptures. His sculptures are typically placed in the eye of a needle or on the head of a pin.
Kobe Bryant. History of the Lakers champion who grew up in TuscanyPistoia, friends, the camps and the 'one on one' challenges: everything is needed to win in the NBA.
Museveni, Yoweri (?)President of UgandaAt a Glancex;From Collegian to Freedom FighterBack to the BushTrying to Stem the TideSourcesYoweri Museveni, the president of Uganda, has faced the staggering task of restoring peace and prosperity to a nation devastated by fifteen years of civil war. Museveni assumed the presidency of Uganda on January 29, , after troops under his leadership stormed the capital city of Kampala.
ब्लेज़ पास्कल ब्लेज़ पास्कल (फ्रांसीसी: Blaise Pascal), (19 जून १६२३, क्लेरमों-फर्रां १९ अगस्त १६६२, पैरिस) फ्रांसीसीगणितज्ञ, भौतिकज्ञ और धार्मिकदार्शनिक थे। पास्कल ने व्यावहारिक विज्ञान पर काम करते हुए मशीनी गणक बनाए, द्रव्यों के गुणों को समझा और टॉरिसैली के काम को आगे बढ़ाते हुए दबाव और निर्वात की अवधारणाओं को स्पष्ट किया। इन्होंने वैज्ञानिक विधि के समर्थन में भी लेख लिखे। साथ ही धार्मिक दर्शन में भी इनकी कृतियों ने बहुत असर छोड़ा। ३ वर्ष की आयु में इनकी माँ चल बसीं और इन्हें इनके पिता ने ही पाला-पोसा। ये बचपन से ही बहुत मेधावी थे। इनकी प्रतिभा को देखकर इनके पिता ने इन्हें स्वयं पढ़ाने-लिखाने का निर्णय लिया। बारह वर्ष की आयु से ये प्रसिद्ध गणितज्ञों की सभाओं में बैठने लगे। पास्कल बहुत माने हुए गणितज्ञ थे। इन्होंने वैज्ञानिक शोध के दो मुख्य क्षेत्रों में सर्वप्रथम कार्य शुरु किया- प्रक्षेपण ज्यामिति, जिस पर इन्होंने १६ साल की आयु में आलेख लिखा और संभाव्यता सिद्धान्त, जिसपर आधुनिक अर्थशास्त्र और समाज विज्ञान आधारित हैं। गैलीलियो और टॉरिसैली की तरह ही इन्होंने अरस्तू के कथन "प्रकृति को निर्वात से घृणा है" का जमकर विरोध किया। इनके कई निष्कर्षों पर बहुत समय विवाद हुआ, लेकिन अन्त में स्वीकार कर लिए गए। १६४२ में इन्होंने अपने पिता का गणना का काम आसान करने के लिए एक मशीनी गणक बनाया, जिसे आज "पास्कल गणक" कहा जाता है। द्रव्य विज्ञान के जरिये इन्होंने हाइड्रॉलिक प्रेस और सिरिंज का आविष्कार किया। १६४६ में इन्होंने अपनी बहन के साथ कैथोलिक संप्रदाय की जैन्सनवाद धारा को अपना लिया। इनके पिता १६५१ में चल बसे। १६५४ में एक आध्यात्मिक अनुभूति हुई, जिसके बाद इन्होंने वैज्ञानिक शोध छोड़कर अपना ध्यान धर्मशास्त्र और दर्शन में लगाना शुरु किया। इनकी दो सबसे प्रसिद्ध कृतियाँ इस काल की हैं। लैथ्र प्रोविन्सियाल (Lettres provinciales, प्रांतीय पत्र) में पास्कल ने पाप के प्रति कैथोलिक चर्च के नरम रुख की जमकर निन्दा की। इन पत्रों की शैली से वॉल्टेयर और ज़ां ज़ाक रूसो जैसे लेखक प्रभावित हुए। प्रकाशन के शीघ्र बाद ही इस पर चर्च ने प्रतिबन्ध लगा दिया, लेकिन फिर पोप एलेक्सैण्डर ने इसमें दिये तर्कों को माना और खुद चर्च के नरम रुख की निन्दा की। दूसरी रचना थी पौंसे (Pensées, विचार), जिसे इनकी मृत्यु के पश्चात इनके बिखरे कागज़ों को इकट्ठा करके प्रकाशित किया गया। इस रचना में इन्होंने कई दार्शनिक विरोधाभासों पर विचार किया-असीमता और शून्यता, विश्वास और तर्क, आत्मा और पदार्थ, मृत्यु और जीवन, उद्देश्य और अभिमान-और अन्त में ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि ये किसी ठोस परिणाम पर नहीं पहुँचते, बस नम्रता, अज्ञानता और कृपा को मिलाते हुए एक दार्शनिक निष्कर्ष निकालते हैं, जिसे आजकल "पास्कल का दांव" कहा जाता है। इसी दौरान इन्होंने त्रिकोणों के अंकगणित पर और ठोस वस्तुओं का घनफल निकालने के लिए चक्रज के उपयोग पर भी प्रपत्र लिखे। १८ साल की उम्र से ही पास्कल की सेहत खराब रहने लगी थी और ३९ वर्ष की आयु में इनकी मृत्यु हो गई। दबाव की SI इकाई एवं एक कम्प्यूटर भाषा का नाम इनके सम्मान में पास्कल रखा गया है। चित्र दीर्घा[संपादित करें]पास्कल का गणकपास्कल त्रिकोणस्मृति-लेखसन्दर्भ[संपादित करें]vfbfgnbgfnhnfngthhdvjsdfvisfvdfv jvrkei9xcecerlhvsd ier n f ei34rferjfvrenb 39frrjikegr बाहरी कड़ियाँ[संपादित करें] .
Christopher Columbus was born between 25 August and 31 October in the year and died on 20 May Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and navigator who was successful in completing four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean which eventually paved the way for the widespread European exploration and colonization of the now known America. nbsp; His travels were the first European contacts with the Caribbean, Central America, and South America, and were funded by the Catholic Monarchs of Spain.
Maher al-Mu'aiqlyImam of Masjid-al-HaraamMaher ibn Hamad ibn Muaiqel al-Muaiqly al-Balawi (born 7 January ) is an Imam and preacher of the Grand Mosque of Mecca, Masjid al-Haram. 91;193;AchievementsAl-Muaiqly graduated from the Teachers College in Madinah where he studied mathematics and moved to work in Makkah al-Mukarramah as a teacher.
Jack KerouacJean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac (March 12, October 21, ), better known as Jack Kerouac, was an Americanauthor and poet. He was part of the Beat Generation movement of writers and artists of the s and s, and gave the movement its name.
Mahatma Gandhi : Biography, Movements, Education, Birth Date ; HistoryMohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi, rose to fame as a leading figure in Indias struggle for independence from British colonial rule. Through his writings, speeches, and historical accounts of his actions, Mahatma Gandhi inspired countless individuals to re-examine their lives and embrace the path of non-violence, justice, and social change.
Majlinda BreguMajlinda BreguNë detyrështator ;32;Paraprirë ngaDitmir BushatiNë detyrëmars ;32;shtator Paraprirë ngaArenca TrashaniPasuar ngaKlajda GjoshaU lind më19 majTiraneNënshtetësiaShqiptarePartia politikePDPunësimiPolitikane, PedagogeMajlinda Bregu (lindur më 19 maj) është politikane shqiptare, Ish-Ministre e Integrimit, Kryetare e Komisionit Parlamentar te Integrimit dhe deputete e Partisë Demokratike në Kuvendin e Shqipërisë. 91;193;Biografia[Redakto | Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]Arsimimi[Redakto | Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]Në vitin ajo u diplomua në shkencat shoqërore në Universitetin e Tiranës91;293;.
Shilo Shiv SulemanIndian artist (born )Shilo Shiv Suleman (born ) is an Indian contemporary artist. Her work encompasses illustration and installation art.
Sir Samuel Morland ()Born: at Sulhamstead Bannister, Berkshire Inventor Died: 30th December at Hammersmith, MiddlesexSir Samuel Morland, the diplomatist, mathematician and inventor, was born in at Sulhamstead Bannister in Berkshire. He was the son of Thomas Morland, rector of the parish church there.
Fabulous Founding Flutist, FenwickBy Marcus ThompsonDespite all the fs with which he and his life come to mind, BCMS founding flutist Fenwick Smith (July 19, ) was probably the quietest person I have ever met. He was a gentle soft-spoken man of few well-chosen words.
Loris AzzaroFrench fashion designerDate of Birth: Country: FranceContent:Biography of Loris AzzaroEntry into the Fashion WorldSuccess in PerfumeryLegacy and SuccessionBiography of Loris AzzaroLoris Azzaro was born in in Tunisia to Italian parents from Sicily. He grew up in a creative environment, with his grandmother designing and making clothes, and his grandfather being an architect.
Discovering Justin Bieber;s Age In A Journey Through His Early FameIn the world of pop music, few names shine as brightly as Justin Bieber. The Canadian singer-songwriter burst onto the scene in the late s, captivating audiences with his undeniable talent and charisma.
Lavanya Tripathi;s Wiki ; Age, Height, Relationships, Net Worth; Lavanya Tripathi is an Indian actress, model and dancer born in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh on 15 December ; She studied at Marshall School in Dehradun and Rishi Dayaram National College in Mumbai, graduating with a bachelors degree in Economics. ; She is best known for starring in the Andala Rakshasi Telugu film released in , and has won several nominations for awards.
Albert Scott Crossfield Jr ( - ) AlbertScott(Scott)CrossfieldJrBorn in Berkeley, Alameda, California, United StatesAncestors Son of Albert Scott Crossfield Sr and Lucia Maria (Dwyer) Crossfield[sibling(s) unknown][children unknown]Died at age 84in Ludville, Pickens, Georgia, United StatesProblemsQuestionsProfile last modified | Created 16 Nov This page has been accessed 2, times. Biography Scott Crossfield Jr is Notable.
Alvin GittinsEnglish painterAlvin Lorraine GittinsBorn()17 January Kidderminster, EnglandDied7 March () (aged;59)SpouseGwendolen EllisAlvin Loraine Gittins (17 January 7 March ) was an English-born artist who was a professor at the University of Utah (U of U). He has been described as "one of [the United States] greatest portrait artists ever".
Kavita LadIndian television, theatre and film actressKavita Lad-Medhekar (néeLad) is an Indian actress, known for her work in Marathi Theatre, Television and Films. She is best known for her daily soap opera roles in Char Divas Sasuche,91;193;Unch Majha Zoka, Radha Hi Bawari, Radha Prem Rangi Rangali, Tula Shikvin Changalach Dhada and also for her theatre performances in Sundar Mi Honar, Eka Lagnachi Goshta, Char Divas Premache and Eka Lagnachi Pudhchi Goshta.
Ningiukulu Teevee Canadian Inuit artist b. Ningiukulu (Ningeokuluk) Teevee (born May 27, in Cape Dorset)91;193; is a CanadianInuk writer and visual artist.
Jorge Rodriguez-ChomatAmerican politician ()Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat (June 28, ; August 19, ) was a Cuban-American politician and judge. He was a one-term member of the Florida House of Representatives representing a district in West Miami for the Republican Party from until his defeat in He served as a Judge of the Criminal and Family Divisions of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court of Florida from until his retirement in Early life and educationRodriguez-Chomat was born in Havana and was active in the Cuban-American lobby.
Jewel Kilcher is best known as the middle child of singer-songwriter, Atz kilcher and his wife, Lenedra Carroll. Known more about Jewel in the article below.
Quick FactsShakeel Mohamed BiographyShakeel Mohamed is one of the most popular and richest Politician who was born on August 25, in Mauritius, Mauritius. Mohamed is an alumnus of the University of Buckingham, where he read law.
Michael JacksonPop divaDate of Birth: Country: USAContent:Early Life and the Jackson 5Pop SuperstarSolo Career and "Thriller"Iconic Performances and "Moonwalk"Philanthropy and ScandalsMarriages and ChildrenLater Years and DeathLegacyEarly Life and the Jackson 5Michael Joseph Jackson, dubbed the "King of Pop," was born in Gary, Indiana, into a musical family. The eighth of ten children, his father, Joseph, was a steelworker and musician, while his mother, Katherine, worked as a saleswoman and played the piano.
Ive got TWO men who love me: Woman has baby with the lover her boyfriend encouraged her to take (and they were BOTH there at the birth)By DAILY MAIL REPORTERUpdated:Jaiya Ma had been living her boyfriend Jon Hanauer, 49, for six years when he urged her to take a new lover. Within weeks, Jaiya, 34, fell for a furniture designer Ian Ferguson, 44, at a dance class, and a year later she fell pregnant with his baby.
Sundaresh MenonSingaporean lawyer (born )Sundaresh Menon (born 26 February ) is a Singaporean lawyer who has been serving as Chief Justice of Singapore since Prior to his appointment as Chief Justice, Menon was a Judicial Commissioner between and , Attorney-General between and , and a Justice of the Court of Appeal. Menon studied law at the National University of Singapore and Harvard Law School.
Thomas KinkadeAmerican artistDate of Birth: Country: USAContent:Early Life and EducationArtistic Beginnings and CollaborationsPainter of LightEntrepreneurial SuccessLiterary Contributions and Personal LifeLegacy and ImpactEarly Life and EducationThomas Kinkade, an American artist renowned for his realistic and idyllic paintings, was born and raised in Placerville, California. He graduated from high school in and went on to attend the University of California, Berkeley.
Hannah ArendtBorn: Oct 14, in Hanover, GermanyDied: Dec 4, (at age 69) in New York City, New York, USA Nationality: AmericanFields: Political theory, modernity, philosophy of historyFamous For: Theories of the nature of power, the subjects of politics, direct democracy, authority, and totalitarianism Hannah Arendt A German-American political theorist, Hannah Arendt () was one of the most influential female philosophers of her day. Her major work deals with the nature of power, the subjects of authority, direct democracy, politics and totalitarianism.
Matrimonio all'Italiana (Marriage Italian style) Filumena's beauty is not enough: a young prostitute, she meets Don Domenico Soriano (Dummigrave;, Marcello Mastroianni), a wealthy gentleman and womanizer, in a brothel during a bombing raid and the man makes her his lover for years. He uses her to register an apartment, then as caregiver to his invalid mother, then as a worker in his shop and in the management of his house.
Patricia Brennan Demuth: Childrenx27;s Book Author Patricia grew up in little Iowa town with a big family and imagination. After college, she moved to the Big Apple (New York, New York) where imaginations could feast.
Bill PeetAmerican screenwriterWilliam Bartlett Peet (né Peed;91;193; January 29, ; May 11, )91;293; was an American children's book illustrator and a story writer and animator for Walt Disney Animation Studios. 91;393;Peet joined Disney in and worked first on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs () near the end of its production.
Chris Sultemeier Fellowship of Christian Athletes Fellowship of Christian AthletesMedia ConglomeratesConsumer ServicesFellowship of Christian Athletes provides sports coaching services. It offers coaches and athletes for the professional, college, high school, junior high, and youth levels.
Tsai amp; YoshikawaArtist StudioLondon-based artists Hsiao-Chi Tsai and Kimiya Yoshikawa are choreographers of culture, colour, material and expression. They work collaboratively on distinctive art installations and sculptural interventions, exploring classical notions of colour, material, shape and form that are derived from nature.
VERNI VARGAWho is Verni? Verni Varga is a celebrated Filipino singer known for her captivating voice and dynamic performances. With a career spanning several decades, she has charmed audiences with her renditions of jazz, pop, and soulful classics.
After its tremendous success amp; popularity in the San FranciscoBay Area, Virijallu Telugu Radio is going to hit the airwaves of New YorkNew JerseyConnecticut TriStates starting April 23rd (the upcoming weekend). The show will be telecast every SaturdaySunday from 12PM-2PM EST on WLIE AM.